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Elizabeth Meigs said she didn’t know what cannabidiol (CBD) oil was in 2019, but a friend’s Facebook post piqued her interest.

“One of my friends had cystic fibrosis, and she doesn’t like to get on elevators because she’s claustrophobic,” Meigs said. “She had to walk up five flights of stairs to get to her doctor’s office, but after using CBD oil, she said she wasn’t out of breath.”

In 2000, at the age of 14, Meigs suffered a life-altering accident that left her with brain damage. After seeing how her friend benefitted from CBD oil, Meigs began researching the benefits it might offer for people who have suffered strokes and brain injuries.

Although she notes that CBD oil is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, Miegs said many things in her life began to improve after she started using a CBD tincture. It wasn’t long before she noticed benefits for:

  • Sleep. Before CBD, Meigs had trouble sleeping for 19 years. “I was lucky to get maybe two or three hours of unrestful sleep a night,” she said. “I was always taking prescriptions or over-the-counter sleep aids. Then, within two to three days of being on CBD oil, I was sleeping good all night long.”

  • Pain. Meigs has had five surgeries on her left foot. She first found pain relief with CBD-infused topicals. “Once the CBD oil got into my system and started working on inflammation in my body, I hardly needed anything topical on my foot,” she said.

  • Hormones. Because she suffers with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Meigs said her menstrual cycles were never regular without the use of birth control. Her periods were also heavy and painful. “After three months of being on CBD oil, I became more regular,” she said. “My periods were regular; they weren’t painful. The part of my brain that controls my hormones was damaged [in the accident]. I was 14, and I was having hot flashes, but within a month of taking CBD oil, I noticed a big improvement.”

  • Allergies. After her accident, Meigs said she suffered from year-round allergies. “After 30 days on CBD oil, I no longer needed my allergy medication,” she said.

  • Cholesterol. Because she has a family history of high cholesterol, Meigs was diagnosed with the condition at a young age. She was eventually put on medication to treat it but was able to discontinue her prescriptions after using CBD oil.

  • Muscle tone and spasms. Before discovering CBD oil, Meigs suffered from increased muscle tone that was treated with Botox. Additionally, muscle spasms required treatment with high-power muscle relaxers. “After two to three months of using CBD, I no longer require Botox injections, and I don’t even require all of the muscle relaxers I’m prescribed,” she said.

Because she was so impressed with how CBD oil improved her life, Meigs began sharing the inflammation-fighting remedy with others and realized its benefits for anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and high blood pressure.

For example, Meigs said she coached a woman named Barbara who could not make a fist with her hands for more than four years. After one week of using CBD topical and sublingual products, she noticed improvements in pain and dexterity.

Meigs said, “After one month of the products, she looked up at me making a fist with both hands and saying, ‘Beth you are my angel. I never dreamed I’d be able to do my job with no pain and I am, thank you.'”

When it comes to hemp, Meigs said, “so many people don’t have the facts.”

“Many of the illnesses we suffer with today are a result of increased inflammation within our bodies,” Meigs said. “Our cows and chickens used to graze to hemp, so we used to get it through that in our diets. Every mammal has an endocannabinoid system. God created this plant and created us to require it. It’s how we can help regulate our bodies naturally. It helps regulate the source of the issue instead of putting a Band-Aid on it and just helping the symptoms.”


A life changed forever

Before her accident, Meigs gained success as a singer and songwriter.

“I had been singing and songwriting for half my life,” she said, adding that a teacher arranged a recording studio session for her during her eighth-grade year.

“I was going to move to Nashville to pursue a career in country music right after high school,” she said.

The day of her accident, Meigs said paramedics had to bring her back to life several times. For the next 24 to 48 hours, she clung to life. She pulled through but faced an extensive rehabilitation journey.

“Once I was back in school, that was the most difficult,” she said. “My friends came and visited me back in the hospital, but once back in school their lives went on, and I was an invisible nobody. That was devastating. I would come home from school and tell my parents that I wish I had died. One day, I found myself on my knees asking God why he did this to me.”

According to Meigs, she felt a voice in her heart saying, “I have a plan for you. You can’t stop. You have to keep going.”

“I knew at that moment God didn’t do this to me — this was a worldly circumstance. I knew he was going to pull me out of the darkness. I didn’t know how, and I didn’t know when, but I couldn’t give up.”

From there, Meigs said she went to bed with a grateful heart each night. She began singing and performing again. She acknowledged that her voice wasn’t what it was before, “but it was still beautiful,” she said.

“People would see the one thing I was good at on stage, and that was the only time people weren’t judging me. That’s why those passions that you have — those are so important to get you through the tough times.”

A mission to inspire

Meigs graduated high school with her class and earned an associate’s degree in occupational therapy.

When I walked into the first patient’s room who had a stroke, and when I told them my story, it gave them a lot of hope,” Meigs said. “Every single patient would hug me at the end and thank me and tell me they couldn’t have gotten through their situation without me. That’s when I saw the power behind my story.”

She subsequently moved to Waco and attended a two-day speaking seminar in Dallas, which reinforced what she felt was her life’s purpose — to start a business as an inspirational speaker and transformational coach. She soon found her place in a church with a Celebrate Recovery group where she received more confirmation that others could benefit from her story.

“I found community and made friends for the first time in 17 years,” she said. “I knew I was right where I needed to be.”

Fast-forward to 2024, and Meigs offers coaching services and teaching strategies she developed while recovering from her accident. She also fulfills public speaking engagements and coaches clients on CBD oil so they can get the best benefits.

Meigs also contributed a chapter to a recently published book titled “Women Who Lead: Inspirational Stories and Influence of Female Leaders.” Learn more about Meigs’ journey, and book her services at