Texas Takes NOCO 2021
With COVID vaccinations in full swing, hempsters of Texas among many others across the US, attended NOCO Hemp Expo in Denver, CO
The 3-day event kicked off on March 25 with an investor forum held at the Renaissance Denver Central Park Hotel. The event was primarily hosted by virtual hosts, including individuals such as Dr. Ethan Russo and Dr. Bonni Goldstein speaking on neurological development in neurodivergent youth, to Frank Robison of the Robison Law Group speaking on imp0lications of recent rules changes and possible future changes.
That evening saw multitudes of Texans gathering at the presidential suite of the hotel to have a meet and greet with one another. People from across Texas working in various fields of the hemp industry got to meet with one another face to face. Some for the very first time, others a year or longer reunion in the works. Texans were able to network and get the much-needed social interaction the industry needs at this moment.
Friday saw the Expo hosting its business conference at the National Western Complex on the North Central side of Denver. Along with the Business conference being in-person and virtual, the complex also hosted an in-person walk-through expo. The event was set up in a fashion similar to walking through an IKEA location, with a path labeled to keep foot traffic flowing primarily in one direction. Speakers for the conference included notable figures such as Colorado Governor Jared Polis and Asa Waldstein Founder & Principal of Supplement Advisory Group.
Saturday the 27th marked the day for the Farm Symposium. The symposium started the day off with a Welcome to NOCO Let’s Talk Hemp Farm Symposium featuring Texas’ very own Trammell S. Crow. From his speaker page, “As the founder of EarthX (formerly known as Earth Day Texas), Mr. Crow has created the largest annual exposition and forum showcasing the latest initiatives, discoveries, research, innovations, policies and corporate practices serving to re-shape a more sustainable future. With a focus on inspiring environmental leadership across sectors and party lines, Crow serves on the board of directors for ConservAmerica and is a co-founder of Texas Business for Clean Air and Texans for Clean Water. “

Shortly after attendees got to hear from Texas Commissioner of Agriculture Sid Miller and internationally renowned cannabis attorney Bob Hoban of the Hoban Law Group about how states are working with farmers and producers, and how they are integrating rules and policies with the USDA and federal government to promote hemp production as allowed under the 2014 and 2018 federal Farm Bills.
Sid Miller spoke on various topics as to Texas being one of the latter states to join, growing his own hemp crop in 2020, the dilemma farmers face in Texas and why Texas is not requiring certified seed yet.
Speaking on certified seed Sid Miller stated that the reason “was to protect the farmers from issues.” As an individual that promotes limited government in the farm space, he wanted to create minimal extra rules unless necessary to make sure Texas farmers can succeed. Sid described in detail that it concerned him how a Texas farmer may buy a certified seed from another state with given expectations that are not met, resulting in hot crop and farmers out of pockets thousands if not possibly millions of dollars with no legal recourse.
Farmers such as those in West Texas areas such as Lamesa face the issue of not having anywhere they can offload their crop and immediately receive funding for it. Farmers in the area are used to growing cotton, harvesting it and taking it to a local delinting facility. A facility where they can offload and immediately receive a check for the product. As well, farmers face challenges such as getting banking, obtaining crop insurance that covers them well enough, and even enough water to ensure the plant’s survival.
If one is interested in seeing NOCO speakers recorded from the event, tickets are still available until April 22, 2021 to view them streaming. Tickets purchased by that deadline will have access until July 22, 2021, to view the content on-demand.