Episode 21: Hempliance Nathan Murphy
Jesse, Coleman & Russell speak to Nathan about the Hempliance App and program.
Built-in blockchain, Hempliance tracks EVERYTHING, including lab test results, buyer/seller information and the GPS location of each event in the growing cycle. The documents create a Certificate of Analysis (COA) that we can share electronically to meet compliance requirements, allowing you to sell for a higher price. The single HIPAA compliant cloud database deployed across all platforms ensures the security and integrity of the data given to all parties to protect you and your crop. We have spent the last year working with an FDIC bank for regulatory compliance in the hemp market. Our automated invoices are emailed to all parties, including the bank, so there is full transparency on the test results and other aspects of the transaction, getting your profits faster.
HEMPLIANCE: The secure hemp blockchain software system offering
We’re innovators, farmers, data scientists, software engineers, agricultural Ph.D.s, and politicians
that developed a revolutionary way to transfer data in the easiest way possible in the new hemp market.
App, featured, Hempliance, HempMarket, HempRetail, HempRoad, Nathan Murphy