Tejas Tonic: 3 Flavors of Unlimited Enjoyment
After receiving a positive response from customers on its inaugural lime-flavored beverage, Tejas Tonic released two more varieties: Agarita Berry and Frio Mango.
The agarita berry grows on a shrub commonly found in the Texas Hill Country. Fragrant, yellow blooms appear on the plant during spring, followed by a bright red berry often used for making jelly and wine.
The agarita berry offers a mostly tart flavor, and according to the blog Foraging Texas, it offers medicinal applications. Agaritas are said to relieve nausea, aid with digestion and help boost immunity.
Frio mango is the latest refreshing flavor offered by Tejas Tonic and is a homage to South Texas — the only part of the state with a climate suitable for growing mangos.
Emerging as Tejas Tonic’s entry into the “exotic” flavor category, Frio Mango is also a tip of the hat to Texas’ own Frio River. There’s nothing more exotic in Texas than the Frio River, right?
While many options are popping up in the hemp beverage space, here are four reasons to enjoy Tejas Tonic.
4 Reasons to Enjoy Tejas Tonic
1. It’s all-natural.
Aaron Owens, founder of Tejas Hemp and Tejas Tonic, believes in keeping his products natural and never uses synthetic methods. In its marketing for Tejas Tonic, the company emphasizes, “It hasn’t left our sight since the plants came out of the ground.”
Tejas does, in fact, grow its hemp for Tejas Tonic locally in Dripping Springs and Luchenbach, remaining one of (if not the only) Texas beverage to grow their own — and here in Texas at that.
2. It’s terp-boosted.
Terpenes, known as terps, are compounds in certain plants that give them distinct aromas and flavors. In cannabis plants, each strain has a unique terpene profile, and each terpene is said to offer certain benefits (such as reducing anxiety or improving focus).
3. It won’t give you a hangover.
One of the biggest benefits of hemp beverages is that partakers won’t suffer undesirable after-effects. As hemp-infused drinks become more widely available, many people are opting for them over a night of boozing.
4. It’s convenient to get.
Tejas Tonic is available in over 700 locations in Texas alone. Visit tejastonic.com/finder to find a location near you.
Aaron Owens, agarita berry, Dripping Springs TX, ESPN Austin, Frio Mango, Lime Flavor, Rachel Nelson, Tejas Hemp, Tejas Tonic, Terpenes, Texas Hemp Reporter, Texas Hemp Show, Texas Hemp winner, Texas THC Beverages, THC Beverage