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Tag: Texas Hemp Reporter

Happy Cactus Team “Cards” Texas Lt. Governor

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick Visits Responsibly-Managed Austin-Based Legal-Hemp Retailer


Yesterday, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick visited the Happy Cactus, a legal hemp retailer in Austin, Texas. When Patrick entered the store, the employees asked for identification to verify his age. He complied and showed his ID, proving he was over 21.


The Happy Cactus team followed the standards of best practices established by the Cannabis Retailers Alliance for Texas and other organizations. Patrick asked about gummies and if products with more than 50mg per serving of hemp were available. Co-owner Todd Harris informed him products with more than 50mg per serving are NOT available in the store.


Patrick claimed that students from Crockett High School had been in the store. Harris said everyone who enters the store is asked for identification to prove they are over 21. Harris’ attorney sent Crockett High School administrators a letter warning students not to trespass in the store. The letter was sent more than six months ago.


“We are proud of our team here at Happy Cactus. They handled the visit according to the best practices of Texas hemp retailers and with professionalism and respect,” said Harris. “We are proud to provide a legal product that helps many people in our community, including veterans and seniors.”


“We are grateful that Lieutenant Governor Patrick decided to investigate stores on his own. We are very pleased that he chose Happy Cactus because they are one of the best examples of how to run a store properly. It’s obvious that they carry quality products for people in need and take extreme precautions to ensure their products do not fall into the wrong hands. They even ‘carded” Lieutenant Governor Patrick without knowing who he was,” stated David Sergi of Sergi & Associates.


“Lieutenant Governor Patrick came into Happy Cactus, our Client’s store, and saw that we do things correctly. He learned that we had sent a no-trespass letter to Crockett High School because we didn’t want their students in our store. He also learned that their students no longer attempt to come into our store. Happy Cactus does things right like most of our industry,” said David Sergi.

judge's gavel with hemp flower


A video of the visit is here:


For media interviews with Todd and Mickey Harris, Happy Cactus Owners, or David Sergi, Attorney for Happy Cactus, please contact Kevin Lampe at (312) 617-7280 or [email protected].




Lt Dan. Making House Calls

In an effort to remain vigilant and true to his word Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is now making house calls to area store owners in a measure of enforcement that goes right to the top!

Employees of south Austin store owner Todd Harris of the Happy Cactus were greeted with questions about products his stores sell and legal dosing and compliance concerns as any grandmother might before making a legal purchase of CBD cream, or maybe a Texas Veteran who was looking for a gummy for a better night’s sleep.

Only this “house-call” was made by none other than Mr. SB 3 himself, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick. 

Happy Cactus, like many industry retailers are following a set of best compliance practices which are part of a statewide effort led by organizations such as (CRAFT) Cannabis Retailers Alliance for Texas.

According to Harris, Dan Patrick came in and asked about gummies and how many milligrams he had on certain legal-hemp products. Staff members provided info on one such item that was 50mg to the Lt. Governor as more questions ensued. Harris explained that products over 50mg are not available at his stores.

The Texas lawmaker also entered a line of questioning to Harris that alleged that students from nearby Crockett High School had come into the Happy Cactus when Happy Cactus staff insured Patrick that they not only card everyone that attends its establishment, but under his attorney’s advice they have sent the school a trespass warning so students know not to visit. That notice was delivered over six months ago.

“Lieutenant governor Patrick came into our Client store and found out that we do things the right way. He was even carded. He learned that we had sent a no trespass letter to Crockett high school because we don’t want their students in our store and he also learned that their students no longer attempt to come into our store and that we do things right like most of the rest of our industry. ” – Stated David Sergi the attorney of record for the south Austin retailer.


Security Video of Happy Cactus shows Patrick and his staffers coming into the south Austin store for an official visit.  Unresponsive to Happy Cactus employees request for ID the Lt. Governor of Texas went on to explain that he was “Dan Patrick”. The Employee still demanded the identification. Afterwards, Todd Harris was notified by staff of the cordial visit by the top Texas lawmaker.

Harris and Sergi both emphasized that  “we are grateful that Lieutenant governor Patrick decided to investigate stores on his own and very pleased that he chose Happy Cactus because they are one of the best examples of how to do how to run a store properly. It’s obvious that they carry quality products for people in need and take extreme precautions to ensure their products dont fall into the wrong hands. They even carded lieutenant governor Patrick without knowing who he was.” stated David Sergi of Sergi & Associates.


Details of the Call can be heard here, and the security tape recorded the visit.

The Happy Cactus is located at 5700 Menchaca Rd Ste # 520 and is owned by brothers Mickey & Todd Harris from Austin TX.

[ Happy Cactus was profiled on the Texas Hemp Reporter website last year after a hit-piece questioning testing methods of the hemp industry made waves in Texas Monthly last August.] – links to article –

Texas Advocacy for Hemp: Life Rafts vs. Torpedoes


The Texas Legislature is not kind to perceived bad industries that show division. Lawmakers, especially those in the governing party, are well-practiced in divide-and-rule. When they see infighting, they exploit it. When they see an industry that can’t even align on its own interests, they stop taking it seriously. That is why survival in this fight depends entirely on solidarity.

And yet, Bayou City Hemp just made the worst possible mistake. By circulating a flyer in the Capitol calling for a ban on all smokable hemp—without even informing their own trade association leaders—they didn’t just undermine the industry’s collective voice. They handed prohibitionists exactly what they wanted: proof that even we aren’t convinced of our own legitimacy.

It’s as if, seeing the torpedo in the water, Bayou City launched their own life raft, hoping to save themselves before the ship went down. But that’s not how this works. The prohibitionists don’t see them as allies—they see them as easy targets. The second the industry collapses, Bayou City’s raft won’t be spared. It will be machine-gunned like the rest. And in the process, they’ve weakened the entire industry’s argument for reasonable regulation. Instead of presenting a united front to lawmakers, they’ve reinforced the very narrative prohibitionists are pushing—that this is an industry that cannot regulate itself and therefore must be banned altogether.


If they truly believed in this course of action, they should have done it the right way—resigning from the board, stating their case within industry discussion groups  and working with the professional advocates and advocacy groups—who are expert at understanding the political landscape, the unwritten rules, and finding ways to win when weaker sisters panic—to find a compromises and creative solutions. For example, the main knock on our industry right now is the largely unproven allegation that we sell and market to kids. While we can all agree that mimicking brands of children cereals and candies is a bad look, there’s no Joe Camel-level duplicity happening here but the narrative is established and refuting it costs more energy than we any benefit we’d derive from engaging in the “I know you are, but what am I?” tropes that so often ensue in similar circumstances.


The answer: we’ve been working diligently to identify and refine technologies that make it much less chancy when it comes to age gating—as an upcoming article in Special Legislative issue of the Texas Hemp Reporter will demonstrate, harnessing the power of AI and facial recognition tightens up on the one area of weakness we all admit we have—consistent carding of customers and retail clerks who are 100% compliant and on the ball every single transaction.

As you’ll see from the machines, we can show law makers we’ve got it figured out and seek collaboration on areas of alignment, not mindless deflection to other players in industry when we feel out own interests threatened. This is just one example of what Bayou City might have done. Instead, they’ve set the stage for a circular firing squad within the industry, betraying the broader interests they had at least an arguable duty to represent and doing the prohibitionists’ work of undermining credibility for them.
Now is the time for discipline, not desperation. If we want lawmakers to treat this as a mature, responsible industry worthy of negotiation, we need to act like one. Anything less, and we are simply making the case for our own demise.

Hemp Wars: Lt. Dan Marches Senate into Kill-Zone

Political Commentary | Jay Maguire – Political Editor Texas Hemp Reporter –
Senate Bill 3, introduced by Senator Charles Perry and backed by Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, represents Texas’ most aggressive crackdown on hemp-derived cannabinoids. The bill would ban all cannabinoids except CBD and CBG, effectively outlawing products containing delta-8 and delta-9 THC, which have flourished due to legal gray areas. Supporters argue that these products pose safety risks, particularly to minors, while opponents see the bill as an unnecessary expansion of government control that would cripple Texas’ legal hemp industry.
But this legislation isn’t just about hemp—it’s part of a broader far-right agenda in Texas, where Patrick and Perry have used their power to push extreme culture war policies. Patrick, in particular, has been instrumental in Texas’ hard-right turn, attacking public education, LGBTQ+ rights, and any form of marijuana legalization under the guise of protecting “traditional values.” This latest push to ban hemp-derived cannabinoids aligns with their long-standing efforts to extend the failed War on Drugs, despite mounting evidence that criminalization doesn’t work.
The financial backing behind this movement is critical to understanding what’s happening. Patrick’s biggest donor, West Texas oil billionaire Tim Dunn, has poured millions into reshaping Texas politics, funding primary challenges against Republicans who aren’t conservative enough. Dunn’s money has fueled attacks on public education, voting rights, and any policy that doesn’t fit his ultra-conservative, Christian nationalist vision for the state. In that context, SB3 isn’t just about hemp—it’s about control. It’s another example of Texas’ political machine prioritizing ideological battles over economic freedom, despite the fact that the hemp industry has created jobs and generated revenue for the state.
If SB3 passes, it will take effect on September 1, 2025, with retailers required to comply by January 1, 2026. But for Patrick and Perry, the bill’s impact goes beyond just shutting down hemp businesses—it’s part of a larger strategy to shape Texas in their far-right image, using the War on Drugs as a tool to maintain power.

The Parable of the Two Molecules

On a quiet morning in a town that could be anywhere—though, in truth, it sits under a
blazing Texan sun—two figures stand at a crossroads. One is an old farmer, face lined
with decades of toiling in the fields, familiar with the gentle hum of wind through
cannabis leaves. He smiles easily, remembering a time when all he had was the plant,
its naturally occurring Delta-9 THC dancing beneath the sun, a secret he could trust.
The other figure, a young chemist in a crisp white lab coat, fresh from a makeshift
laboratory hidden behind a steel door, cradles a vial of something new, something
strange: a synthesized cannabinoid conjured not by nature, but by human ingenuity.

They meet by a rickety wooden sign that reads: “HEMP—0.3% THC LIMIT.” It’s a relic
from a not-so-distant past, a guideline that changed the course of everything. On one
side of the sign, fields of hemp sway under legally sanctioned skies, their Delta-9 THC
content tightly bound by regulation. On the other side, a world of possibility and
confusion blooms—hemp-derived molecules twisted, converted, and reshaped into
something both eerily familiar and unstintingly new: Delta-8, THCP, HHC, and more.

The farmer remembers a hypothetical: If you could hop into a time machine—say, back
to 2018—and whisper in the ear of a president, “Legalize cannabis outright,” would all of
this tinkering have been necessary? Would there be a room full of chemists bending
molecules to comply with laws rather than to discover truth? One timeline might have
yielded an abundance of natural Delta-9 THC, openly grown, studied, and enjoyed
without the shadowy dance around percentages. But in the timeline we have, clever
minds spotted a legal loophole and seized it. Thus, a new era was born.

The chemist, for their part, isn’t some cartoon villain. They are a seeker of knowledge.
They might say, “Nature is wondrous, but so is the human mind. If we can create a
molecule that offers therapeutic benefits that Delta-9 can’t, why not do it?” Yet the
farmer counters, “If we’d just started by legalizing the original plant, would we have even
bothered? Isn’t Mother Nature’s original blueprint enough?”

People come from all corners to argue. Some say these synthetic cannabinoids have
opened doors: they’ve allowed consumers in places like Texas to experience something
close to the Delta-9 high without openly defying the law. They’ve ushered in a future
where new pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals might arise—substances that could help
ailments where old solutions fell short. Others warn of unknown dangers. Unregulated
synthetics have sent people reeling into hospital beds, their minds spinning into worlds
they never wanted to see. Safety data is thin, and no one’s quite sure what happens
when these new molecules dance in human biology over the long term.
In the distance, smoke rises from another battlefield. Texas lawmakers threaten to end
all THC sales—Delta-9, Delta-8, and everything in between—citing confusion, public

safety, and unforeseen consequences of the hemp loophole. Thousands of shop
owners face ruin. Consumers who rely on these cannabinoids for relief may lose their
access entirely. This ban wouldn’t just target the chemists and the labs; it would also
strike at the humble farmers and their fields of green. One might ask: Whose fault is this
tightening noose? The natural Delta-9 that sparked fear long ago, or the synthetic
creations that emerged only because Delta-9 was kept at arm’s length?
And what of medicine? The Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP) only permits
naturally occurring cannabinoids. There’s a sanctity, it seems, in what the plant chooses
to provide. Yet, shouldn’t we at least ask if the new synthetics deserve study and
scrutiny in clinical environments? Could they be tamed, understood, and perhaps one
day trusted? Or should they remain at the edges, a wild frontier too dangerous to bring
into the doctor’s office?

These questions swirl like smoke in the twilight air. The farmer and the chemist watch
the horizon. They know lawmakers, lobbyists, patients, and business owners are all
involved—everyone is shouting, everyone is pushing, everyone is pulling. It’s a war of
definitions: What is natural? What is safe? What should be allowed? And beneath these
questions lies an even deeper one: Who are we to decide what belongs in our bodies,
and at what cost?

By now, we are all standing at that crossroads, squinting into a future fogged by
uncertainty. Does the “natural” inherently mean safer, better, more ethical? Or does
human innovation hold a torch that illuminates pathways nature never considered? If
time were reversed, would we just legalize Delta-9 THC and spare ourselves this maze
of molecular modifications? Or would we still crave something new, different, and
perhaps better?

scientist experimenting with cannabis in the lab made with AI

In the end, the figures fade, and we are left with the riddle itself. Just as Hamlet once
pondered “To be or not to be,” we are left wondering: to inhale the old ways or embrace
the new; to trust nature’s leaf or trust the alchemy of the lab; to ban them all or find a
delicate balance.

We stand, each of us, at that same dusty crossroads, knowing there is no easy answer.
In our hesitation, we discover that we are not truly debating chemistry or law. We are
asking who we are as a society—our values, our hopes, our fears. And perhaps, in that
silent pause, we will learn something about existence itself.

A Crossroads for the Texas Hemp Industry

Dear Readers, and Industry Colleagues

As we step into 2025, it’s impossible to ignore the pivotal moment we’re facing in the Texas hemp industry. The announcement of Senate Bill 3 has cast a shadow of uncertainty over the future of hemp in our state. For years, The Texas Hemp Reporter has been a steadfast advocate and resource for this industry, highlighting its innovation, resilience, and potential. But now, more than ever, we need your support to ensure this voice continues to resonate.

Our mission has always been to provide a platform for education, activism, and industry updates that empower Texas hemp leaders and entrepreneurs.

Unfortunately, without sufficient backing from industry leaders through advertising revenue, we face difficult decisions about how frequently we can publish in 2025. It’s a stark reality: without your investment, the magazine that champions this industry may not remain as consistent or impactful as we all need it to be.

Despite these challenges, we are not standing still. This February, we are excited to debut Blazed Magazine, a new recreational-focused product that brings fresh energy to the cannabis conversation.

Alongside it, Blazed Weekly News and our new podcast will aim to expand our reach, building bridges with new audiences and opportunities. While these ventures offer promise, our hope is that they can complement—not replace—the foundational work we’ve done with The Texas Hemp Reporter.

This publication has always been more than just a magazine. It’s been a movement, a community, and a critical voice for an industry that deserves recognition and growth. But we can’t do it alone. If you believe in what we’ve built and the future we can achieve together, I urge you to stand with us—through advertising, partnerships, and collaboration.

With your support, we can continue to shine a light on the evolving Texas hemp market and likely remain a quarterly cornerstone for this community in 2025 and beyond.

Blazed Magazine will offer the recreational advertisers, smoke brands and culture of the plant a fun and entertaining avenue for our industry while keeping the Texas Hemp Reporter our authoritative and respected industry publication.  Thank you for your continued dedication to this cause. Let’s face these challenges together and create a future where Texas hemp thrives.

We are working on our Legislative Edition this February and plan to release this special issue to lawmakers in March. With your support we can tell the Texas lawmakers why we deserve the opportunity to lead the nation in the growing Hemp industries in the United States.

Texas Legislative Edition Rate Card for advertising.

Warm regards,

Russell Dowden
Publisher | CEO

T&T Roots Opens First Storefront in Lufkin

This past year has been good to Luke Temple of T&T Roots. On Oct. 18, he was crowned the first-ever Texas Terpene King for his Legendary Platinum OG Rosin, which placed first in the Taste of Texas Hemp Cup’s premiere concentrates competition.


Temple launched his organic hemp farm in 2021, and on Nov. 1, he achieved a new milestone — opening a storefront in downtown Lufkin. A ribbon cutting will take place Jan. 9 at the store, located at 120-A E. Lufkin Ave.


“It’s been phenomenal,” Temple said. “I’m probably going to start opening more days of the week.”


For now, the store is open Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Temple sells products from other Texas brands in his store, such as Tejas Tonic, Oak Cliff Cultivators and Kache.


“Everything is Texas farmers, Texas owned, Texas branded,” he said.


Things have certainly taken a turn for the better, as it wasn’t long ago that the local Chamber of Commerce denied T&T Roots’ vendor application for the Texas Forest Festival — an East Texas tradition that takes place in Lufkin.


But as the old saying goes, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!” So Temple joined the Lufkin Chamber and began winning the community over with his hemp-based health and wellness products. Before long, T&T was nominated for newcomer business of the year.


“Once I joined the Chamber, I really started changing everybody’s point of view, and they could see it was helping them and helping their friends,” Temple said.


As for future plans, Temple said his next goal is to open a store in Nacogdoches. He is also in talks to help bring THC-infused beverage options to a local brewery.










Champs Trade Show Las Vegas Winter

The CHAMPS Trade Show, a cornerstone event in the counterculture industry since
1999, is set to return to the Las Vegas Convention Center from February 12th to 15th,

This premier business-to-business expo brings together a diverse array of exhibitors,
including manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, glass artists, and suppliers, all
showcasing a vast selection of smoking accessories, counterculture products, clothing,
hand-blown glass, and other specialty gifts.

Attendees can look forward to the renowned CHAMPS Glass Games, a live
glassblowing competition featuring elite artists vying for cash prizes and industry

Additionally, the event offers numerous networking opportunities, informative keynote
sessions, and panels led by industry leaders, providing valuable insights into the latest
trends and innovations.

For those planning to attend, CHAMPS has secured special hotel deals. Rooms at
Tuscany Suites0 & Casino start at $89 per night, available from February 10th to 17th,
2025, with no resort fee and complimentary shuttle service to the convention center.
This deal ends on January 10th. Additionally, Resorts World offers rooms ranging from
$95 to $275 per night between February 9th and 15th, 2025.

As the premier counterculture B2B expo, CHAMPS Trade Shows provide an
unparalleled platform for businesses to connect, discover new products, and stay ahead
in a thriving marketplace. Whether you’re a retailer, wholesaler, or industry enthusiast,
this event is a must-attend to experience the forefront of counterculture trends and

For Buyers:
CHAMPS offers retailers access to exclusive deals, cutting-edge products, and
connections with top brands and industry leaders. Attendees can discover the latest
trends, witness live glass art competitions through the CHAMPS Glass Games, and
benefit from a dynamic atmosphere conducive to business growth. The event is free to
attend but is strictly business-to-business and not open to the public. All attendees must
be at least 18 years old and provide two forms of business identification, such as a
reseller’s license, seller’s permit, business license, or tax ID.

For Exhibitors:

Exhibiting at CHAMPS provides a unique platform to showcase products to a diverse
and influential audience, facilitating market expansion and the formation of international

partnerships. The event is renowned for innovation and trendsetting within the
counterculture industry, offering exhibitors invaluable insights, exposure, and networking
opportunities that can drive business growth and success.
Each 10×10 booth includes an 8-foot table, a chair, a wastebasket, pipe and drape, and
up to four vendor badges. Larger booths receive proportional amenities. Additional
furnishings, carpet, and electricity can be ordered through the Exhibitor Kit. A 50%
deposit is due at the time of booking, with full payment required 45 days before the
show. Badge registration instructions are provided approximately one month before the
event, contingent upon a signed contract and full payment.
For more information and to register as a buyer or exhibitor, visit

Cultivating Wellness: The Journey of Endozondo Farm

Endozondo Farm, a Texas-based hemp operation, was born from a passion for natural wellness and a desire to offer affordable alternatives to traditional medicine. Founded by Arturo Elizondo and his family, the farm’s mission goes beyond cultivation—they are committed to sustainable farming, community education, and elevating Texas as a leader in the hemp industry. In this interview, Elizondo shares the inspiration behind Endozondo Farm, the sustainable practices that drive their work, and his vision for a future where Texas-grown hemp is recognized and celebrated nationwide.

What inspired the founding of Endozondo Farm, and how did it evolve into a hemp-focused operation?

  • We were inspired by seeing friends and family face legal consequences for using a natural plant to find relief from various ailments. This fueled our passion to offer people an affordable, natural alternative to pharmaceuticals.

Can you describe the specific types of hemp you cultivate and the primary products you produce?

  • We focus on cultivating unique hemp genetics tailored to our customers’ needs. Potency and purity are our top priorities, which drive our selection and pheno-hunting processes.

What sustainable farming practices does Endozondo Farm implement to ensure environmental responsibility?

  • We use coco coir as a growing medium, which we recycle multiple times for both veg and flower stages. Our targeted watering cycles allow us to conserve water throughout the day.

How does Endozondo Farm contribute to the local community and the hemp industry in Texas?

  • We actively participate in local farmers’ markets and sponsor community events. Education on health and wellness is a big part of our mission, as well as supporting The Elizondo Foundation, our family’s nonprofit organization.

What challenges have you faced in the hemp farming industry, and how have you overcome them?

  • Texas lawmakers often seem more supportive of out-of-state interests, allowing them to sell products statewide while Texas farmers face restrictive regulations. We hope to see lawmakers prioritize Texas-grown products, giving local farmers a fair chance to thrive.

Can you share the story behind the name “Endozondo” and its significance to your mission?

  • The name combines “Endo,” for the endocannabinoid system, and “Zondo” from our family name, Elizondo. It reflects our commitment to harnessing natural plant properties

What role does innovation play in your farming techniques and product development?

  • We keep our processes straightforward, using automated watering systems and climate control to monitor grow conditions. For the most part, we let the plants thrive naturally, intervening only to optimize their health.

How do you ensure the quality and safety of your hemp products from cultivation to market?

  • Quality starts with maintaining controlled environments and a strict integrated pest management (IPM) protocol. We prioritize cleanliness, advance planning, and state-approved testing to ensure our products are safe and reliable.

What advice would you give to new farmers interested in starting their own hemp operations in Texas?

  • Educate yourself thoroughly and be prepared for long hours. Stay committed, and just go for it.

What are your future goals for Endozondo Farm, and how do you envision the growth of the hemp industry in Texas?

  • Our goal is to keep producing high-quality hemp with our customers’ wellness in mind, while continuing to educate the community on health. We see Texas becoming a hemp powerhouse, with a thriving local industry that supports our state’s farmers.

For more information, please go to:



Lt. Governor’s Prohibition Push: History Repeats in Texas Hemp Debate


When Lt. Governor Dan Patrick announced Senate Bill 3 to ban all forms of THC in Texas, he drew from a familiar political playbook. His declaration that “thousands of stores have opened to sell all types of dangerous products with unlimited THC” echoes rhetoric used to justify cannabis prohibition in the 1930s, when claims about “reefer madness” helped drive federal policy.


The Texas Hemp Federation, through Executive Director Jay Maguire, responded: “The Lt. Governor’s characterization ignores basic facts about our industry. Legal hemp businesses employing thousands of Texans are providing safe, tested products while generating over a billion dollars in tax revenue. This isn’t about public safety – it’s about politics.”

Patrick’s announcement comes as multiple studies show regulated hemp markets reduce illegal sales and provide safer alternatives for consumers. States with strict regulation rather than prohibition consistently report better outcomes for both public health and law enforcement resources.


The timing is particularly notable given recent challenges to the “tough on drugs” political narrative. As more states move toward regulated markets, evidence continues to mount that prohibition creates more problems than it solves. Even traditionally conservative states have begun embracing hemp’s economic benefits while implementing sensible regulations.


Law enforcement perspectives have also evolved. Many departments now prefer focusing resources on actually dangerous substances rather than hemp products. Some Texas police chiefs have publicly stated that regulated hemp markets make their jobs easier by clearly distinguishing legal from illegal products.


The economic stakes are substantial. Beyond direct revenue and employment, Texas’ hemp industry supports numerous ancillary businesses from agriculture to retail. Local communities across the state have come to depend on hemp-related commerce and tax revenue for essential services.


“History teaches us that prohibition doesn’t eliminate demand – it just drives markets underground,” notes the Federation’s statement. “We’ve built a transparent, regulated industry that protects consumers and supports communities. Dismantling it would only benefit illegal operators.”

The proposed ban faces several hurdles, including potential federal preemption under the Farm Bill and likely legal challenges from affected businesses. Previous attempts at administrative prohibition have already been blocked by Texas courts.


For now, the industry continues operating under existing regulations while preparing for what promises to be a defining legislative battle. The outcome may well determine whether Texas embraces evidence-based policy or returns to failed strategies of the past.


[Note: This article represents ongoing coverage. The Texas Hemp Reporter will continue following developments as this story unfolds.]


Jury Finds LoneStar Farms, LLC, “d/b/a” Sweet Sensi Committed Constructive Fraud Against CenTex CBD

LoneStar Does Not Own Trade Secrets Listed in Court Filings

CenTex CBD beat back a claim by LoneStar Farms LLC, better known as Sweet Sensi, and their lawyer, Lisa Pittman, of misappropriation of trade secrets and intellectual property and allegations of unethical conduct. This ruling of Constructive Fraud and other charges against Sweet Sensi will have significant implications for the rapidly growing and changing hemp industry in Texas.

During the case, Greg Autry of Sweet Sensi attacked Wyatt Larew of Wyatt Purp and the Texas Hemp Reporter in an advertisement published in The Austin Chronicle on October 25, 2024. The jury verdict completely vindicated Larew and the Texas Hemp Reporter for its initial coverage of the case.

“Sweet Sensi tried to cover up its bad behavior and questionable business practices by attacking me. I am grateful that the jury ruled in CenTex’s favor and vindicated me. I am disappointed in my former attorney, Lisa Pittman, who took a contradictory position after providing a legal opinion for me. Justice is the winner this week. Also, Hemp businesses in Texas won because bad actors need to be exposed, and ethical standards must be respected,” said Larew.

The conduct of Sweet Sensi’s lawyer, Pittman, has come into question. During the legal process, Pitman moved the case to District court from small claims court, which allowed Sweet Sensi to counter-sue for $250k-1 million in damages. While the trial was progressing, CenTex asked the judge to sanction Pittman. The judge agreed and sanctioned her. Additionally, the judge found it necessary to remind Pittman of her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, raising the concern that her actions could be viewed as criminal, not just unethical.

“The Texas Hemp Reporter bases our reporting on court filings and public documents. Factual court reporting does not require commentary for the parties involved to “spin” us with their interpretation of court proceedings,” said Russell Dowden, Publisher of the Texas Hemp Reporter.

In this case, the jury ruled that Sweet Sensi did not own certain trade secrets, which contradicts what Autry of Sweet Sensi said in his paid advertisement.

“In my opinion, the jury did a good job seeing through the thinly veiled arguments presented by Sweet Sensi attempting to misuse trade secrets and the patent process. Hemp businesses must maintain their integrity so we can continue to supply products for the people who need them the most,” said David Sergi, Attorney for Wyatt Purp and other hemp-related businesses.

{What Does the Future of Hemp hold for the Lone Star State? Operators will be more accountable to retailers moving forward.}

In addition to finding Sweet Sensi committed constructive fraud, the jury returned unanimous verdicts, finding that Sweet Sensi engaged in false, misleading, deceptive, and unconscionable actions when the jury answered the following questions.

  • Did LoneStar engage in any false, misleading, or deceptive act or practice that CenTex relied on to its detriment and that was a producing cause of damages to CenTex? Jury said Yes.
  • Did LoneStar engage in any unconscionable action or course of action that was a producing cause of damages to CenTex? Jury said Yes.
  • Did CenTex and LoneStar agree that CenTex’s cherry limeade gumdrops ordered from LoneStar would come with red sugar and contain approximately 15 mg of Delta 8 per gumdrop? Jury said Yes.
  • Did CenTex and LoneStar agree that LoneStar would provide shelf-ready/consumer-ready gumdrops to CenTex? Jury said Yes.
  • Did LoneStar fail to comply with its agreement with CenTex, if any? Jury says Yes.
  • Did CenTex substantially rely to its detriment on LoneStar’s promises), if any, and, if so, was CenTex’s reliance foreseeable by LoneStar? Jury said Yes.
  • Did LoneStar obtain a benefit from CenTex by fraud or the taking of an undue advantage? Jury said Yes.
  • Did LoneStar fail to comply with the Manufacturing Service Agreement? Jury said Yes.
  • Did LoneStar own a trade secret in the formula, pattern, compilation, program, method, technique, process, or list of actual or potential customers listed below?
    • 1. The rosin-based process used to design and manufacture LoneStar’s rosin-based products. Jury said No.
    • 2. The process for designing and manufacturing LoneStar’s rosin base. Jury said No.
    • 3. The process for designing and manufacturing LoneStar’s rosin-based products. Jury said No.
    • 4. The process for designing and manufacturing LoneStar’s vape cartridges and gummy products. Jury said No.

In addition to these findings, LoneStar Farms LLC dba Sweet Sensi must pay monetary damages to CenTex CDB.

Additional steps related to the people and businesses involved in this case will be taken in the coming weeks. We will continue to inform the public about any developments.

For media interviews. Please contact Kevin Lampe at (312) 617-7280 or [email protected].


Upcoming Events

With the rapid growth of the hemp industry in Texas, upcoming events and workshops offer invaluable opportunities to connect with industry leaders, acquire practical insights, and engage in meaningful advocacy. These events highlight sustainable practices, provide updates on regulatory developments, and showcase innovative applications of hemp.

Upcoming Hemp Events in Texas

3rd Annual Texas Hemp Summit – Nov 1-2, 2024, Texas A&M AgriLife Center, College Station

Organized by the Texas Hemp Coalition, this two-day summit will explore hemp market trends, sustainable farming, and regulatory developments. Attendees can participate in networking sessions, workshops, and policy discussions, focusing on hemp’s environmental and economic impact.

Hemp-Ology – November 30, 1-2pm, Online

Discover the World of Hemp with Expert Dora Wilson-Jefferson. Join renowned hemp grower and author Dora Wilson-Jefferson for an engaging two-hour training session to empower beginners and experienced enthusiasts. Whether you’re just starting your journey or looking to expand your expertise, this event offers a unique opportunity to dive deeper into the hemp industry and its many applications. This session covers topics such as: exploring hemp’s versatility and discovering the wide range of uses and benefits of hemp, from wellness products to sustainable materials. Learning to stay ahead of trends: Gain insights into the latest industry trends and uncover emerging business opportunities to master best practices including understanding proven strategies and techniques for cultivating hemp successfully and maximizing your yields

Texas Hemp Building Summit – Dec 5, 2024, Austin

This summit brings together builders, architects, and environmental advocates to explore innovative uses of hemp in construction. Sessions will cover topics such as hempcrete applications, sustainable design, and eco-friendly building materials. Attendees will also take a guided tour of local projects using hemp-based materials, offering real-world insights into sustainable architecture.

National CBD Month – January

National CBD Month is celebrated every January, raising awareness about CBD’s potential wellness effects. CbdMD was officially founded to combat health challenges associated with the misperceptions of CBD. Throughout January, we aim to shine a spotlight on the hemp-derived substance, clear up misunderstandings, change perceptions, and set standards for superior CBD products.

Advocacy Training by the Texas Hemp Federation – Ongoing

These advocacy sessions empower participants to engage with lawmakers at the state and federal levels. Attendees will learn how to advocate effectively, understand current hemp regulations, and develop strategies to communicate the benefits of hemp to policymakers, contributing to legislative changes that support the industry.

Stay Engaged with Hemp Events

AllEvents: Search for “hemp” to discover additional workshops, summits, and networking opportunities across Texas and beyond.

Texas Hemp Coalition: Stay updated on events and advocacy efforts by visiting their website and following their social media channels.

Education and advocacy remain key drivers of the hemp industry’s growth in Texas. Participating in events like the Texas Hemp Summit, Hemp Building Summit, and Hemp for Health Workshop helps Texans stay informed and shape the future of this growing sector. Engaging in these initiatives ensures hemp becomes a vital part of the state’s agricultural, health, and economic development landscape, paving the way for sustainable and innovative solutions.


Tejas Tonic: 3 Flavors of Unlimited Enjoyment

After receiving a positive response from customers on its inaugural lime-flavored beverage, Tejas Tonic released two more varieties: Agarita Berry and Frio Mango.

The agarita berry grows on a shrub commonly found in the Texas Hill Country. Fragrant, yellow blooms appear on the plant during spring, followed by a bright red berry often used for making jelly and wine.

The agarita berry offers a mostly tart flavor, and according to the blog Foraging Texas, it offers medicinal applications. Agaritas are said to relieve nausea, aid with digestion and help boost immunity.

Frio mango is the latest refreshing flavor offered by Tejas Tonic and is a homage to South Texas — the only part of the state with a climate suitable for growing mangos.

Emerging as Tejas Tonic’s entry into the “exotic” flavor category, Frio Mango is also a tip of the hat to Texas’ own Frio River. There’s nothing more exotic in Texas than the Frio River, right?

While many options are popping up in the hemp beverage space, here are four reasons to enjoy Tejas Tonic.

4 Reasons to Enjoy Tejas Tonic

1. It’s all-natural.

Aaron Owens, founder of Tejas Hemp and Tejas Tonic, believes in keeping his products natural and never uses synthetic methods. In its marketing for Tejas Tonic, the company emphasizes, “It hasn’t left our sight since the plants came out of the ground.”

Tejas does, in fact, grow its hemp for Tejas Tonic locally in Dripping Springs and Luchenbach, remaining one of (if not the only) Texas beverage to grow their own — and here in Texas at that.

2. It’s terp-boosted.

Terpenes, known as terps, are compounds in certain plants that give them distinct aromas and flavors. In cannabis plants, each strain has a unique terpene profile, and each terpene is said to offer certain benefits (such as reducing anxiety or improving focus).

3. It won’t give you a hangover.

One of the biggest benefits of hemp beverages is that partakers won’t suffer undesirable after-effects. As hemp-infused drinks become more widely available, many people are opting for them over a night of boozing.

4. It’s convenient to get.

Tejas Tonic is available in over 700 locations in Texas alone. Visit to find a location near you.

Texas Hemp Show #186: THC Beverages

Hemp beverages are seltzers, sodas, mocktails, coffees, teas, and other drinks that contain an infusion of hemp-derived cannabinoids, terpenes, or fibers. Common cannabinoids include CBD and THC, but other “minor cannabinoids” can also be incorporated.

Hear Our Interview with Christopher Lackner of US Hemp Bevg. Alliance

The Results Are In

Learn more about the Lone Star State’s best beverage brands in our THC-infused Beverage Challenge.

80stixx – Premium Alternative Cannabinoid Products

Since its inception in 2022, 80stixx has rapidly established itself as a leader in the alternative cannabinoid market. Inspired by the Amarillo area code “806,” the brand has expanded its reach across the country, securing placement in over 1,000 stores and establishing more than 10 distribution accounts. With a focus on quality, transparency, and innovation, 80stixx is reshaping the cannabinoid landscape with its wide array of products and commitment to excellence.


The Journey

80stixx’s quick rise in the industry reflects its dedication to providing high-quality cannabinoid products that meet consumer demands. Drawing inspiration from its Texas roots, the brand has become a household name in alternative cannabinoids, offering everything from Delta-8 (D8) and Delta-9 (D9) products to THCA. Each product is carefully crafted to deliver purity, potency, and consistency—qualities that set 80stixx apart in a crowded marketplace.

What truly distinguishes 80stixx from other brands in the cannabinoid industry is its focus on the finer details—taste, aesthetics, and innovative packaging. The brand is known for pioneering die-cut packaging for their D8 and D9 gummies, incorporating creative designs that enhance the consumer experience. This attention to packaging not only adds a visual appeal but also signals the brand’s commitment to quality and innovation.

On the taste front, 80stixx gummies are infused with authentic flavors and precision D9 dosing, ensuring a superior experience for consumers. Unlike many other brands that spray cannabinoids onto gummies, 80stixx opts for infusion, delivering a more consistent and enjoyable product without an overpowering cannabis taste.


Adapting to the Shifting Legal Landscape of Hemp-Derived Cannabinoids

Operating in the alternative cannabinoid space means keeping up with the ever-evolving legal landscape. States across the U.S. have varied regulations regarding cannabinoids like THCA and Delta-8, making compliance a top priority for brands like 80stixx. The 2018 Farm Bill paved the way for the hemp industry, but ongoing legislative changes require companies to stay vigilant.

Recently, 80stixx faced challenges in Florida when packaging regulations forced the temporary removal of their products from the market. However, thanks to a reversal of those laws, the company was able to quickly resume operations. This agility in navigating legal challenges demonstrates 80stixx’s resilience and commitment to maintaining a strong presence in the market.

Commitment to Transparency and Lab Testing

Quality and transparency are at the heart of 80stixx’s operations. The company emphasizes the importance of third-party lab testing for all its products to ensure purity, potency, and safety. Every product sold by 80stixx includes a scannable QR code, allowing customers to easily access the Certificate of Analysis (COA) for that batch. This level of transparency not only builds trust with consumers but also ensures that 80stixx continues to deliver the highest standards of cannabinoid products.


Emerging Trends and Innovations Shaping the Future of 80stixx

As the cannabinoid industry grows, consumer preferences are shifting, and 80stixx is keeping pace with the latest trends. One emerging trend is the popularity of diamond prerolls, a product that has been gaining traction among retail outlets. 80stixx plans to expand its product line to include more offerings in this category, capitalizing on the growing demand for premium prerolls.

Another notable trend is the increasing interest in edibles and beverages, particularly among an older demographic. While younger consumers tend to favor flower products from smoke shops, edibles are becoming more popular as a discreet and convenient way to consume cannabinoids. 80stixx is well-positioned to cater to both segments, offering a diverse range of products to meet varying consumer needs.


Sustainability: A Key Priority

Sustainability is a growing concern in the hemp and cannabinoid industries, and 80stixx is committed to doing its part. The company works closely with growers and manufacturers to ensure that all operations are environmentally responsible. Regular visits to production facilities and optimized shipping processes help 80stixx minimize its environmental impact, even in challenging conditions such as extreme heat.

This focus on sustainability not only benefits the environment but also aligns with the values of many of 80stixx’s customers, who are increasingly seeking eco-friendly products.


Shaping the Future of the Hemp Industry

As a rising force in Texas’ hemp and cannabinoid industry, 80stixx is committed to playing a leading role in shaping the future of this rapidly growing sector. The company aims to be a major producer and influencer, crafting innovative solutions and advocating for favorable legislation that supports the growth of the hemp industry.

Looking ahead, 80stixx has its sights set on offering legal cannabinoid products in dispensaries nationwide. With its strong focus on quality, transparency, and sustainability, the brand is poised to continue leading the way in the cannabinoid market for years to come.

For more information about 80stixx and its range of cannabinoid products, visit or contact them at:

Address: 300 W 6th Street Suite #127, Borger, Texas 79007

Phone: +1 (806) 553-7875

Email: [email protected]

80stixx remains dedicated to offering high-quality, lab-tested cannabinoid products, bringing transparency and innovation to an evolving industry.