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Tag: Sid Miller

Hemp Under Fire in Texas as DEA seeks to reschedule Marijuana

The hemp industry in Texas is at a pivotal moment as lawmakers consider significant restrictions. Senate Bill 3, introduced by Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, aims to ban all THC products, including hemp-derived items like delta-8 and delta-9 THC. Critics warn this could severely impact an industry that employs over 50,000 people and generates $8 billion annually.

Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller supports regulation but acknowledges the need for a balanced approach. Meanwhile, lawmakers like Representative Joe Moody advocate for regulation rather than prohibition.

This debate in Texas occurs against the backdrop of significant shifts in the national cannabis landscape. With a new administration in office, federal conversations on marijuana legalization and reclassification are gaining traction. The DEA’s recent discussions on reclassifying marijuana as a less restricted substance could dramatically influence state policies and industry standards nationwide.

As Texas navigates its legislative session and awaits a Texas Supreme Court ruling on delta-8 THC, these broader national developments serve as a reminder of the complexities of balancing local regulation with evolving federal policies.

Stay tuned to the Texas Hemp Show on ESPN in Austin or read the Texas Hemp Reporter magazine this spring for the latest details on the evolving Texas hemp industry.

Live from the Texas Hemp Summit

The Texas Hemp Reporter magazine and the Texas Hemp Show are a proud media sponsor for the Texas Hemp Summit Nov 11th – 12th at the Texas A&M Agrilife Center in College Station.

Many guest speakers talked on Hemp, Genetics, testing, media, farming, marketing and other panels. Hosted by the Texas Hemp Coalition the first annual event has been a successful gathering of industry leaders and those in the rising cannabis industry in the Lone Star State.

The newly elected Texas AG Commissioner now serving in his third term; Sid Miller was the Keynote speaker on Saturday and discussed the possibility of the future industrial Hemp in Texas as well as the rise in American companies going green with electric cars, sustainable energy and sustainable development in farming in the coming years. Industrial Hemp will hopefully pick up the pace in emerging technologies in science especially in construction and building one panel shared on Friday with a focus on Building with Hemp.

Veterans in Hemp also shared a panel on Friday as well as the panel hosted by Dr Russell Jessup who runs the Hemp breeding program at Texas A&M University. Several of the grad students spoke on genetic programs and research into hybridization of Cannabis in interbreeding among the types of strains.

In all, the event is a great success and will explore more opportunities for Hemp in Texas. We are members of the Texas Hemp Coalition ourselves and also encourage you to consider a membership of you have interest in participating in the Blooming cannabis space in Texas.

for mmore information about the event and the Texas Hemp Coalition visit them online at

Texas Hemp Summit

Texas Hemp Coalition, the premier advocacy group for the hemp industry in Texas, is hosting its inaugural B2B industry event, The Texas Hemp Summit, this November 11-12, 2022 at the Texas A&M Agrilife Center in College Station.

The event is poised to bring together B2B industry leaders from all across Texas and beyond to discuss farming, processing, cannabinoids, fiber, and retail topics concerning hemp operators through educational conversations and presentations.

The goal of the summit is to address trending issues that are directly impacting our state’s hemp operators, as well as be a learning opportunity for those looking to get into the industry and scale.

Anyone who is interested in getting more involved in the industry, launching a brand, scaling their business, or who may be seeking job opportunities is encouraged to attend.

During these two days, the Texas Hemp Summit will pack keynote presentations, panel discussions, as well as networking opportunities for attendees to get plugged into the most pressing subjects relevant to their passions, and business interests.

Confirmed speakers are:

  • Keynote with the Texas Department of Agriculture, Sid Miller
  • A legal fireside chat with Lisa Pittman of Pittman Legal and Cameron Field of Michael Best
  • Overview of Texas A&M University Hemp field research with Dr. Russell Jessup

And more to be confirmed, so check the website for more details.

The event has industry support from: Flex Payment Solutions, Shimadzu, Tejas Hemp, Caprock Family Farms, Sweet Sensi, Drops of Life, Boveda, Agilent, Hemp Industries Association, Hemp Building Ventures, Michael Best, Haus of Jayne, and more who will also be in attendance to meet you and answer your questions in person during the summit.

Tickets are on sale now for $110 at the Early Bird rate until October 24th, 2022 when they will increase in price, and the event is FREE to all students with valid student ID.

To learn more about the event, and purchase tickets visit:

If you would like to explore membership opportunities, the Texas Hemp Coalition holds regular meetings to discuss pressing topics and would love to invite you to join us as an official member to help champion and advocate for hemp in Texas

Episode:# 37 Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller

Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller
An eighth-generation farmer and rancher, Sid Miller is the 12th Commissioner of the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). He has devoted his life to promoting Texas agriculture, rural communities and the great state of Texas.

Born in De Leon, in Comanche County, in September 1955, Sid Miller graduated with honors from Tarleton State University in Stephenville with a Bachelor of Science degree in Vocational Ag Education.

A recognized community leader, Miller was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2000. He quickly earned a reputation as a staunch defender of Texas agriculture, constitutional freedoms and individual liberties for all Texans.

Texas Takes NOCO 2021

With COVID vaccinations in full swing, hempsters of Texas among many others across the US, attended NOCO Hemp Expo in Denver, CO

The 3-day event kicked off on March 25 with an investor forum held at the Renaissance Denver Central Park Hotel. The event was primarily hosted by virtual hosts, including individuals such as Dr. Ethan Russo and Dr. Bonni Goldstein speaking on neurological development in neurodivergent youth, to Frank Robison of the Robison Law Group speaking on imp0lications of recent rules changes and possible future changes. 

That evening saw multitudes of Texans gathering at the presidential suite of the hotel to have a meet and greet with one another. People from across Texas working in various fields of the hemp industry got to meet with one another face to face. Some for the very first time, others a year or longer reunion in the works. Texans were able to network and get the much-needed social interaction the industry needs at this moment.

Friday saw the Expo hosting its business conference at the National Western Complex on the North Central side of Denver. Along with the Business conference being in-person and virtual, the complex also hosted an in-person walk-through expo. The event was set up in a fashion similar to walking through an IKEA location, with a path labeled to keep foot traffic flowing primarily in one direction. Speakers for the conference included notable figures such as Colorado Governor Jared Polis and Asa Waldstein Founder & Principal of Supplement Advisory Group.

Saturday the 27th marked the day for the Farm Symposium. The symposium started the day off with a Welcome to NOCO Let’s Talk Hemp Farm Symposium featuring Texas’ very own Trammell S. Crow.  From his speaker page, “As the founder of EarthX (formerly known as Earth Day Texas), Mr. Crow has created the largest annual exposition and forum showcasing the latest initiatives, discoveries, research, innovations, policies and corporate practices serving to re-shape a more sustainable future. With a focus on inspiring environmental leadership across sectors and party lines, Crow serves on the board of directors for ConservAmerica and is a co-founder of Texas Business for Clean Air and Texans for Clean Water. “

Shortly after attendees got to hear from Texas Commissioner of Agriculture Sid Miller and internationally renowned cannabis attorney Bob Hoban of the Hoban Law Group about how states are working with farmers and producers, and how they are integrating rules and policies with the USDA and federal government to promote hemp production as allowed under the 2014 and 2018 federal Farm Bills.

Sid Miller spoke on various topics as to Texas being one of the latter states to join, growing his own hemp crop in 2020, the dilemma farmers face in Texas and why Texas is not requiring certified seed yet.

Speaking on certified seed Sid Miller stated that the reason “was to protect the farmers from issues.” As an individual that promotes limited government in the farm space, he wanted to create minimal extra rules unless necessary to make sure Texas farmers can succeed. Sid described in detail that it concerned him how a Texas farmer may buy a certified seed from another state with given expectations that are not met, resulting in hot crop and farmers out of pockets thousands if not possibly millions of dollars with no legal recourse.

Farmers such as those in West Texas areas such as Lamesa face the issue of not having anywhere they can offload their crop and immediately receive funding for it. Farmers in the area are used to growing cotton, harvesting it and taking it to a local delinting facility. A facility where they can offload and immediately receive a check for the product. As well, farmers face challenges such as getting banking, obtaining crop insurance that covers them well enough, and even enough water to ensure the plant’s survival.

If one is interested in seeing NOCO speakers recorded from the event, tickets are still available until April 22, 2021 to view them streaming. Tickets purchased by that deadline will have access until July 22, 2021, to view the content on-demand.

Texas Hemp Show- Podcast # 2

Smokable Hemp Ban in Texas, Temporary Injunction Granted – Win for Texas Manufacturers, Processors & Retailers and this weeks show we featured two of the States attorneys that are leading the charge to keep smokable Hemp here in Texas for retailers, growers,processors and of course consumers. Chelsie Spencer is a cannabis and hemp attorney. She is a founding member of Ritter Spencer PLLC. Chelsie practices in the areas of medical marijuana and hemp and represents clients across those industries for their business law and compliance needs.

Lisa Pittman – Lisa is Co-chair of the Cannabis Business Law practice. A leader and authority in the cannabis industry, which includes state legal marijuana and federally legal hemp, Lisa was recently appointed to be a Nonresident Fellow at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy as a member of the Drug Policy Program. Lisa also was appointed to the Texas Department of Agriculture Industrial Hemp Advisory Council, a role that provides her insight and influence on the regulations for the Texas hemp program, with the goal of propelling Texas to be the preeminent producer of hemp in the United States.

On September 17, 2020, Travis County Judge Lora Livingston ruled on a request for temporary injunction in a lawsuit filed by manufacturers and retailers of smokable hemp products in Texas.  The injunction sought to prevent the State from enforcing its new regulations banning the manufacture, processing, distribution, and retail sale of hemp for smoking.  The temporary injunction was partially granted, in that smokable hemp product businesses may carry on without facing penalties or fines under the status quo as it existed prior to the August 2nd effective date of the new rule – at least until the final trial on the merits set for February 1, 2021.
Grinded weed shaped as Texas and a joint.(series)