As the years go by, I find myself drinking less and less because the hangovers keep getting worse and worse. But every once in a while, it would be nice to indulge in a fun night out without having to suffer the brutal consequences.
This is exactly the problem Sweet Sensi’s new product solves. The Hangover Blocker is comprised of prickly pear, CBD and B12. I have heard that prickly pear is a magic hangover cure, but I brushed it off as an old wives’ tale. With Sweet Sensi’s new product hitting the market, I finally had the chance to find out for myself.
It was a typical Saturday night, and I decided I wanted to go out and unwind with some drinks. I took the four capsules that make up The Hangover Blocker with 16 ounces of water as the package directs. The directions also advise taking the pills two hours before drinking, but I only waited one hour.
I wanted to put The Hangover Blocker to a true test, so I didn’t hold back. I had beers. Then, I had shots of tequila and whiskey followed by more beers. I indulged in what would normally result in two days of misery. But not this time.
When I woke up the next morning, I felt hungover at first. But the symptoms quickly faded. The next thing I knew, I was out enjoying brunch and a Bloody Mary at Bouldin Acres In Austin. Based on past experience, I would have without a doubt spent the day in bed if it weren’t for The Hangover Blocker.
Needless to say, Sunday Funday got a little carried away, and the drinks kept flowing. When I got home that night, I took another package of The Hangover Blocker hoping it would save me. On Monday morning, I arrived at my office at 8 a.m. with a smile on my face and no hangover.
Every now and then a customer walks into my CBD store, RESTART CBD, and asks for a product or cannabinoid that we don’t currently sell. And as a business owner, I take the ownership of filtering through all the requests we get and ultimately deciding on what product to put on the shelf. That paired with tracking industry trends, requires businesses to stay on top of consumer demands.
While consumers ask and demand, that doesn’t always necessarily mean that businesses need to deliver. It’s why Walmart and Target both exist, in reality, they sell similar products, but they also have two different target demographics.
So with that information in mind, I am constantly filtering what customers are looking for and balancing that with what I’m interested in and willing to sell.
For example, we get asked from time to time if we sell Kratom, which we do not at my store. My brand focuses on selling high-quality cannabinoids vs a more broad smoke shop store type approach. We can’t be everything to everybody, and I think that’s an important piece of discernment for today’s story.
On the other hand, we get asked for products like HHC and THC-P, which are naturally occurring cannabinoids but are more mysterious with less known information about the long-term effects.
It’s interesting because in our industry there are a dozen or so cannabinoids on the market, but the cannabis plant has over 100 different phytocannabinoid compounds and just because we don’t know enough about something doesn’t mean we should demonize it, does it?
This takes me back to when Delta 8 THC hit the market back in 2019, we didn’t know enough about it and everyone was reluctant to introduce products to the market. But a few years later, not that we aren’t still facing some of the same battles, there is more adoption and acceptance of the minor cannabinoid.
So as a brand, how do you determine what is the best product to put on the shelf? And even more critically to consider is what is the quality of the product you are looking to put on the shelf because 80% of something is different than 90% of something, etc.
We now see the emergence of chemically derived cannabinoids. This does get confusing because even though the cannabinoid is naturally occurring like CBN, for example, there is a whole market emerging for chemically creating and synthesizing these cannabinoids.
And thanks to the chemistry you can create a lot of cannabinoids with a lot more stability than when produced naturally, which is an integral part of repeatability for a consumer.
Is it right, is it wrong?
I understand the concern from within the industry, from the purists, the full plant people, and the cultivators, struggling with this recent shift in the market.
I remember having a conversation with a friend who is cultivating hemp here in Texas and he was asking if as a retailer I sell more hemp flower vs Delta 8 flower, and the reality is consumers want the Delta 8 experience.
My advice to the cultivator was to get creative and pay attention to where the market is going if he wants to move his products because consumers are driving the demands.
I also look at the fragility of our industry, without proper avenues for operation we’re left to interpreting the law and getting creative with what some would call loopholes.
I don’t fully think cannabinoids like Delta 8 THC or HHC are outright loopholes, but I do believe that we have yet to bust the door wide open and are just getting a crack at what is to come.
Ultimately we have a choice, as operators, as consumers, as an industry and until we can look at the whole picture instead of just one frame at a time, we’re neglecting the realities and all I’m trying to do is to get us to be on the same page.
A regroup if you will. Texas is heading into our next legislative session in 2023 and the smokable hemp ban just got reinstated for manufacturing and processing.
Will we go another year introducing more minor cannabinoids? We flinch at the idea of chemically synthesized Delta 8 but what about nonpsychoactive cannabinoids like CBN? Where does the line get drawn? And what is this going to do to cultivation of you can produce everything stably in a lab?
I don’t have a definitive answer on what is going to happen or can even speculate on what could happen. Especially with so much up in the air still with the Delta 8 lawsuit still open and an upcoming legislative session.
But as always, I encourage the continuation of this discussion and invite you to tune into my recent episode with Tyler Roach of Colorado Chromatography, one of the leading manufacturers of HHC and CBN amongst other cannabinoids. We dive into the future of chemically creating cannabinoids and what impact that will have on our industry, you can listen at
As the popularity of CBD (Cannabidoil) grows, so does the question of whether companies will allow their employees to use it or not. In this article we are going to look at some facts and ideas related to how companies can go about not only protecting themselves, but employees from potential pitfalls of not having policies in place pertaining to CBD use in the workplace.
One of the first questions employers ask about CBD, Is it legal? In 2018, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (aka the Farm Bill) legalized CBD that is derived from hemp and contains no more than 0.3% THC (by dry weight). Notice the key word is CBD derived from “HEMP”, not marijuana. As far as state laws, hemp derived CBD with .3% THC or less is legal in all states with the exception of South Dakota per HB 1191, and with certain exceptions for Idaho Code§ 37-2701(t), and Nebraska LB657. As always, do your due diligence and double check your state laws. But overall, as long as it meets the federal regulations you are good to go in most states.
The next question that revolves around federal guidelines is how does one know if a certain brand of CBD is in compliant with federal and state laws? Well, this is where taking the time to check out manufacturers, labels, and product websites will pay dividends in preventing headaches down the road. There are four main things to look for and should be easily found with a specific product or manufacturer that ensures the product being made is legal and of high quality. Those four benchmarks are:
Where is the hemp grown? Look for hemp that is grown in the United States. U.S. grown hemp has strict guidelines set fourth by the USDA pertaining to growing and the cultivation of hemp. If it is grown in the United States by a licensed farmer, then odds are the hemp meets federal guidelines. Whereas hemp grown in another country… well, who knows what you are getting.
Look for a Certificate of Analysis. A COA shows the results of independent lab testing that checks for things like potency and contaminants. The batch number on the COA should match the number on the product’s label or packaging. A key component to look for on a product label is a QR code. This allows the buyer to download lab results for the product being purchased.
Who and how is the testing done? When it comes to testing, it is always good to have a 3rd party independent testing facility that is doing the COA versus in house. A legitimate third party lab will not have any skin in the game and will give true unbiased results. Labs should meet ISO 17205 standards and have been validated by one of three national regulatory organizations such as the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia, or the U.S. Pharmacopeia.
Look for comprehensive labels and potency. The label should match the COA results pertaining to the amount of CBD and THC described on the product in total and by dose. One should be leery of any label that is vague in ingredients, dosage, or COA information as many CBD products are found to be mislabeled or completely false. The more information provided on the label backed by a third party COA demonstrates a manufacturer/seller is open and honest with the CBD product they are producing.
Now that we have the Federal and State laws out of the way, what does it mean for a company? As an employer, can you demand or bar your employees from taking CBD? Technically, a business can write just about any policy they want for their business if it doesn’t violate fair standards and hiring. But let me ask you this, how can one with integrity prevent someone from taking an over the counter supplement in their off time that is legal if it meets federal and state guidelines? As of today, there is no test currently on the market to test just CBD. So, you can’t test to see if anyone is on CBD. Since there is no “psycho-active” effect with CBD products no one would ever be “under the influence” of said product. Now what can happen, is someone deciding to take a CBD product that contains the legal amount of THC (which is up to .3%) and potentially test positive for THC on a drug test. Again, this puts everyone in a sticky situation as they did not break any law other than failing a drug test simply because their CBD contained the legal amounts of THC. That is why it is important for people who are prone to drug testing to ensure that their CBD is THC FREE. On a side note, as the employer, you want to ensure that any drug test is THC specific. One of the most accurate tests currently on the market is a saliva swab test rather than some urine tests. (My next article will discuss issues and solutions pertaining to drug/THC tests.)
Here is my thing on that and this is just my opinion as a safety professional for nearly three decades. Since CBD does not negatively affect ones cognitive or physical performance when it comes to doing a task or job, one cannot use the argument of being “under the influence”. I discussed in my last article the positive benefits of CBD and employee performance when CBD is allowed to be used. Can an employer with sincerity and integrity be able to give a compelling argument to not allow employees to use CBD? I can not think of any other than that one nasty word that companies fear the most… liability. Let’s brainstorm on some commonsense options that can be written into policy that could reduce liability to a minimum, yet support the workforce to show a genuine interest in their health and overall wellbeing.
First, whether you are for or against CBD use, an employer needs to have at a minimum a clear and concise policy stating such. Not having one, opens the door to all kinds of issues and confusion when an employee is considering the use of CBD. What if an employer does want to allow CBD use? Depending on the size of the company and number of employees, a policy could be put in place that addresses the issue on a case by case basis. There are several situations health wise where CBD use makes sense and could benefit both parties. Again, there is no “one size fits all” solution and simply consider doing what makes the most sense for the company at that point and time.
If a company is large and wants to put a general policy in place to allow use and dependent on the state, an employer could possibly include a “prescription” or doctor letter clause that would allow CBD use while under the supervision/direction of a doctor or medical professional. That way if one tests positive for something, then all parties are covered. Noticed I said test positive and not under the influence. This clause is common for people that must take certain medications that are classified as narcotics or other drugs that are not normally allowed when drug testing is done within a company. It essentially allows an employee to take such medications when off duty/work or in some cases while at work if needed such as Adderall or Zoloft.
What if a company is in support of CBD use, but is adamant that their employees not test positive for THC? Creating a list of approved CBD retailers and manufacturers could be a viable solution. Yes, it does require a little work and research, but if a company is willing to invest a little time into vetting legitimate and reputable CBD manufacturers, then it benefits their employees with valid and reputable CBD products which would eliminate any potential of said employee testing positive for THC. If an employer was to use the four benchmarks to find reputable CBD vendors as discussed earlier, then a company can create a list of options for their employees that are 100% THC free for them to choose from, so they do NOT test positive for THC.
These are just a couple of ideas that are currently being used now with success. With the rise and legalization of CBD we are experiencing a revolution of sorts that requires educating and adapting to new trends. Over the next few years there will even more potential issues for states depending on if marijuana is decriminalized or legalized at the federal level. We are already seeing states where marijuana is legal having to make important changes to hiring and drug testing practices due to the laws. Since CBD is now legal, you might as well address the issue sooner rather than later and having sound policies in place will save a lot of potential grief not only to the employer, but the employees as well. Whether you are against or for CBD, it is here to stay.
CBD has now joined fitness, sports, and diet as part of a daily lifestyle for optimal health. Since 2015, the CBD market has been growing larger by the day and CBD is showing up everywhere!
CBD oil is being used for any number of ailments, including lessening everyday aches and pains, easing anxiety and depression, and reducing the severity of symptoms associated with osteopenia, osteoporosis, diabetes, epilepsy, insomnia, fibromyalgia, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. It also acts as an anti-convulsant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidating agent to ease neuropathic pain and aids in reducing symptoms of Crohn’s disease. In a study from The European Journal of Pain, using an animal model, CBD applied on the skin was shown to lower chronic pain and inflammation due to arthritis. CBD is not just good for those of us reading this article, it is also good for our dogs and cats, who also want to continue chasing the tennis ball or jumping on the bed.
CBD oil’s broad range of benefits, success stories and stamp of approval from the medical industry have turned its image from marginal to mainstream. Because of this, CBD is showing up in all kinds of retail stores, from pharmacies, grocery stores, gyms, golf pro shops, day spas, and massage therapy chains.
Furthermore, after the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed hemp-derived CBD from its list of prohibited substances in 2018, many elite and professional athletes have rushed to include it in their training table to give them a competitive edge.
Because CBD is used to help with pain, training recovery, sleep, and calming nerves, it’s a natural and green choice and can also be used as a training aid to speed muscle recovery and ease muscle aches from daily workouts.
In life, as in sports, we must recover well to play well!
What is CBD oil and what does CBD stand for?
CBD short for Cannabidiol, is derived from the cannabis plant and is the most well-known cannabinoid, second to THC. It is important to note that CBD and THC are only two (2) of more than 100 different cannabinoids present in both marijuana and full spectrum hemp based products (i.e. CBGA; CBDA; CBCA; CBGVA; CBDVA; and CBCVA to name just a few) found in the cannabis plant. It is also important to note that CBD is found in both hemp and marijuana.
However, the cannabinoid responsible for giving users a high is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which is more prevalent in marijuana, and not in hemp.
In addition to the 100 plus cannabinoids, the hemp plant’s resin glands also produce important healing terpenes, which give it its distinct smell and flavor, and also influence the plants cannabinoids and how it works in your brain and body.
It is important to remember that Texas legal full spectrum, hemp derived CBD products do not cause the euphoric high associated with marijuana because they are required to have less than 0.3 percent THC. Basically, CBD is weed’s sober cousin! As a matter of fact, full spectrum hemp derived CBD is the non-intoxicating alternative to marijuana with most all of the same health and therapeutic benefits.
Mother nature puts her medicine in the plants . What’s Good for People is Good for Pets!
Dogs have also been known to respond well to CBD Meds with success. “Woof”
Most notably, full spectrum hemp derived CBD it is said to have anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-seizure, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, immunosuppressive, and neuro-protectant properties, making it a viable, daily, natural plant-based product for many human and pet wellness issues. Hemp-derived CBD oil, is now readily available in salves, lotions, beauty supplies, pet treats and so much more.
All in all, CBD is beneficial for most of the same ailments in humans as it is with their mammalian friends.
Another surprise with CBD, is that salves and topicals are anti-microbial and may also help with acne due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Many people suffering from psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and eczema are experiencing positive results with topical hemp products. CBD’s anti-oxidant properties also protect the skin’s collagen and elastin against damage from the sun and free radicals and is therefore often credited with anti-aging properties.
Additionally, CBD soothes cracked paws, promotes healthy skin and coat, and eases arthritis in our furry friends too! As you can see, CBD oil offers benefits that spread far and wide. Full spectrum (whole plant) hemp-derived CBD gets people and their pets healthy, not high, thus making it a viable product for human and pets medical and wellness issues.
CBD Quality matters – Know where it’s grown. Look for full spectrum!
When purchasing CBD products where and how the product was grown and processed needs to be carefully considered. It is important to know your products were not grown in soils that have lead, arsenic, mercury and other environmental pollutants and toxins.
Even the air quality surrounding the hemp farm matters! Since hemp is a hyper-accumulator plant, it takes in elements from all sources including air, water and soil. As a hyper-accumulator, hemp can grow in soil or water with very high concentrations of metals, absorbing these metals through their roots, and concentrating extremely high levels of metals in their tissues.
Because of this, when you purchase hemp derived CBD products, it’s important to know where the hemp came from, considering you may be consuming toxins that the hemp plant accumulated from the ground, water and air. This is especially applicable when hemp is concentrated into oil or products like CBD.
And as a result, CBD concentrates can ultimately contain more toxins than the plant itself.
When evaluating a full-spectrum hemp-derived product, also make sure it is processed in an FDA-registered facility and utilizes third-party-verified good manufacturing practices. This is because until recently, it has been illegal to grow hemp it in the U.S. and a lot of hemp is still purchased from overseas, in China and Eastern Europe for example where environmental pollutants abound. Look for American-grown, full-spectrum hemp-derived products that have a COA (Certificate of Authenticity) provided by the manufacturer.
In short, always buy from a trusted American source!
Whole Plant Medicine – The Entourage Effect – You get what you pay for.
Whole plant medicine refers to using all of the phytocannabiniods, not just the isolated parts of the plant for use in the final product. This means not isolating some of the hemp plant elements from the rest of the plant. Products that contain as many cannabinoids and phytochemicals as possible are called full plant extracts, also known as whole plant medicine.
Also make sure your products are full spectrum which means they encompass the whole plant and are capable of providing the “entourage effect,” which denotes the synergy between all of the cannabis compounds: terpenes, chlorophyll, proteins, enzymes, alkaloids, and flavonoids that magnify the therapeutic benefits in the brain and body. These naturally occurring compounds work together to produce the very important and necessary “entourage effect”. A lot of CBD-labeled products are not full spectrum and therefore not whole-plant-based. For example, CBD “isolate” products that are commonly sold are usually inexpensive, are not full spectrum and do not provide whole-plant medicine. CBD full-spectrum, entourage effect capable cannabis extracts are more effective for you and your pet’s wellness.
Dosage – start low and go slow – there is no one-size-fits-all approach.
Regarding dosage, always consult with a healthcare professional or your veterinarian who has knowledge and experience working with CBD, as well as, the endocannabinoid system, anatomy, physiology and human or pet health applications. The biggest question these days is where do you buy it and/or who do you buy it from?
One important thing to know is that hemp-derived CBD responses vary from person to person, age to age and animal to animal, some may need a dose four times a day, once a day, or every other day — always start with a low dose and increase slowly until you identify the level that provides relief for you or your pet. Additionally, dosage levels vary greatly in children, adults, the elderly, from male to female and will also vary greatly among pets.
Know The Five W’s of Purchasing CBD
Remember if you buy anywhere in the USA currently no government agency or any other type of organization will protect you.
The CBD market right now is in the wild, wild, west stage so know the five W’s when you purchase: Who grew it, Where was it grown, When was it grown, and finally Why and What am I using CBD for.
All in all, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, so always seek an experienced CBD professional’s guidance.
At this point in time, while many of CBD’s claims are considered anecdotal, it doesn’t mean they aren’t true. The consensus is that CBD is potentially better for our bodies than taking chemically designed pills or rubbing chemically designed lotions on the body.
Hemp Doctors USA products are available online, for local delivery and can be mailed anywhere in the United States. Please feel free to contact:
Sarah Scott, President, CEO of Hemp Doctor’s USA. (Contact info.)
Sarah Scott’s Hemp History
Looking for a daily natural, healthy, plant-based alternative to traditional medicines for her mother, personal training, post-surgical clients, and Billy her epileptic puppy, she founded Austin-based Hemp Doctors USA in 2014, which sells farm-to-table American-grown natural oils, tinctures and salves for people, dogs, cats and horses.
Ms. Scott is also the founder of the original Austin, Texas based Ironsmith–The Fitness Doctors established in 1989, one of the city and nation’s first personal-training gym corporations and one of the most successful groups of personal training, sports training and post-surgical medical exercise facilities in Austin. She has spent the past 30 years working as a trainer, coach, and visiting professor and consultant for numerous colleges, professional athletes, sports teams with an additional focus on disease management, cancer recovery, traumatic brain injury post rehabilitation, and post-surgical exercise.
Her years as an allied health and sport care professional greatly influenced the creation of Hemp Doctors USA. Her keen understanding of the human endocannabinoid system, how CBD works, coupled with her knowledge of sports medicine, kinesiology and human physiology, underscores her expert know-how for CBD human-health applications.
“Mother Nature is at the heart of all our products!Cellular health is the backbone of fitness and bringing trusted CBD products to people and their pets has been a journey of the heart and soul for me! My daily mission is to create a healthier world for people, pets and the planet. Sarah Scott ~ Founder
Sarah Elizabeth Scott, The Texas Hempress, CBD Expert, Consultant, is a Medical Exercise & Fitness Coach who founded Hemp Doctors USA, one of the first Texas based, full spectrum hemp derived CBD companies selling American grown products, in 2014. Hemp Doctors USA is one of the first to incorporate in Austin and in Texas.
Hemp Doctors USA is celebrating its fifth year selling farm-to-table American-grown CBD oils, capsules and salves for people, dogs, cats and horses. Also the founder of another Austin, Texas original, IronSmith – The Fitness Doctors, one of the nation’s first personal-training gym corporations in 1989. Sarah Scott has spent 30 years working as a trainer, coach, collegiate and professional athletic consultant, and allied healthcare practitioner.
Connect with Sarah E. Scott on Facebook, or Instagram at TexasHempress, HempDoctorsUSA, and CBDAskTheExpert. For more information, visit
Our affection for CBD started back in 2016. After an MS diagnosis, a loved one began suffering chronic pain and struggling with pain management. A variety of narcotics were prescribed but we were in search of a natural solution. They desired to live and feel well without the side effects of pharmaceuticals. We believe in herbal medicine and Earth’s ability to provide us with what we need. While spending time in Washington and Colorado, we visited regulated cannabis shops that do not exist in Texas and bought CBD products designed to help manage pain. Once back home in Texas, we quickly learned how effective CBD can be as a natural pain management tool. MS is a serious disease and to be clear, CBD is not a cure for the disease, however, our loved one was able to improve comfort in their daily life without the cognitive side effects that prescription pain medication added. It was an exciting time because we believed in the potential of these natural products and the results we experienced first hand. The problem that still remained is how to get these products consistently in Texas. This is where the idea of our hemp CBD brand was born and our journey to Live • Feel • Well begins. We immediately began to forge relationships with local suppliers of raw ingredients and packaging supplies. We took our time formulating recipes that were designed for maximum functionality. This was a long process of trial, feedback, improve and repeat. Once formulations were set, we began designing labels and manufacturing products. Laboratory tests were completed on each finished batch to ensure accuracy. Lastly, our website was built, social media pages created and order forms made just in time for our first order in late 2017!
We would quickly learn the challenges that come along with the CBD industry. The stigma of hemp and CBD was often questioned at this time. Many consumers lumped our products as “marijuana” and immediately dismissed the validity of our industry as a whole. In Texas, we did not see the same level of support for the medicinal benefits of cannabis as we did in other regulated states. In addition, the lack of consumer education became an issue partially due to how quickly the industry expanded. A lot of folks didn’t understand that we were not selling something that will get them high. A lot of misleading and even false information begins to pop up online. This challenge still remains. The next hurdle was payment processing. To date, FDIC banks view Hemp companies the same as Marijuana businesses. The only major US bank that processed CBD payments abruptly ended their entire CBD portfolio and left many having to jump through hoops in order to process a credit card. How can you operate a website today without being able to accept a Visa card? Not easily. In fact, many of us turned to high risk, high fee processing based in the U.K. without any other options available. At least we got to have a functional website, continue to fulfill orders and keep our customers happy. These frustrations were short lived as we began to get customer feedback and testimonials written to us. The joy and satisfaction we felt was overwhelming as we heard how our products were impacting our customer’s lives. Stories were shared of anxiety relief, pain management and how those things impacted their overall wellness. Product reviews were written about how quality of life was positively influenced by using our products. We had letters mailed to our office and began receiving phone calls from people thanking us for being in business. While stocking shelves, pharmacists and store managers shared stories that their customers wanted passed along. Hearing this was rewarding and made it very easy to see past some of the insignificant imperfections and focus on the journey to help others Live • Feel • Well.
Fast forward to the 2018 Farm Bill passing. This bill offered clarity for the legality around CBD products, provided protection for hemp farmers and made it easier to perform clinical tests on the efficacy of CBD. In addition, having these new laws on the books encouraged new businesses to enter into the hemp CBD industry. Everyone in the industry that we had ever met was calling, texting and emailing about the great news. The biggest immediate impact was the independent pharmacies’ willingness to shelf and sell CBD products. Having our products in this setting began helping with credibility and confidence of consumers to purchase. No longer were CBD products secluded to smoke shops. You could now begin discussing CBD products with a medical professional. This was the first hum of the now buzzing CBD industry.
In June of 2019, Texas passed it’s own legislation to legalize growing hemp and the sale of CBD products. This was a major step in the development of the hemp market in our home state. These new regulations matched the previously passed Federal Farm Bill in December of 2018. In addition, Texas added additional transparency regulations by requiring CBD products to be labeled with a QR code that leads to 3rd party test results. We were already doing this to provide confidence of purchase to our customers. We believe Texas has paved the way for its farmers to lead the nation in hemp production.
The passage of Texas HB1325 brought the emergence of many different CBD retail stores throughout the state and many more existing retailers added CBD to their inventory. We also saw a quick rise in the demand for more CBD options for pets. This inspired us to formulate another product for our pet line and we created Peanut Butter Pet Wafers. These crunchy treats were well received by our customers and wholesalers. Even our furry companions can find natural relief and are able to Live • Feel • Well. Fast-paced growth for the industry continued throughout the year. It also brought additional testing focused on CBD and its impact on stress/anxiety, pain and inflammation. More importantly, we continue to make new customers and get more feedback on how our products are positively impacting their lives. This will never get old.
2020 has our hemp farmers planting the first seeds in Texas. New testing facilities are being created and existing labs are adding the ability to test hemp as part of their offering. We value being able to support our local community by partnering with local companies. The banking industry is slowly starting to open up to CBD businesses as the US Congress inches closer to passing legislation to update regulations. In fact, last month we got our debit/credit card processing back to the US with one of the largest domestic processors. We have found validation from our customer’s testimonies and their continued support. This next year will see us invest into new products and potentially a new category of products. We plan on continuing to share more of our customer’s stories. Also, we plan to provide consumers with an easy way to view ongoing and complete scientific studies on hemp and CBD. During these exciting times in the industry, the desire to help people is still paramount. Live • Feel • Well