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Tag: Delta 8

Whitney: Economic Impact of the Texas Hemp Industry

Total Market Value: The Texas hemp-derived cannabinoid industry generates $5.5 billion annually.

• Retail Sales: The retail sector alone contributes $4.3 billion in revenue.

• Overall Economic Impact: The industry supports $10.2 billion in total economic activity.

• Tax Contributions: Hemp-derived cannabinoid sales generate $267.7 million in annual state sales tax revenue.

• Job Creation: The industry employs 53,382 workers, paying out $2.1 billion in wages.

Potential Economic Loss if SB 3 Passes

• Business Closures: Approximately 6,350 businesses would be forced to shut down.

• Job Losses: An estimated 40,201 workers would lose their jobs.

• Wage Decline: Texas workers would lose $1.6 billion in wages.

• Economic Shrinkage: A $10.2 billion reduction in economic activity.

• Tax Revenue Loss: Texas would forgo $267.7 million in annual sales tax.


Industry Health & Growth Trends

• Profitability93% of hemp businesses are either profitable or breaking even.

• Retail Growth: The number of registered retail locations increased from 5,072 in 2022 to 7,550 in 2024.

• Wage Increases: Average wages in retail rose from $14.19/hour in 2023 to $17.83/hour in 2025.

• Diversification: The industry has expanded beyond CBD into Delta-8, Delta-9, THCA, CBG, CBN, and HHC products.

• Texas Supply Chain: Most Texas hemp businesses source materials from multiple states but prioritize in-state suppliers.

Regulatory Uncertainty & Business Risks

• Top Business Concern: The primary risk cited by hemp businesses is state and federal regulatory changes.

• Federal Oversight: The FDA has not identified a public safety crisis related to converted cannabinoids.

• State-Level Crackdowns: States that have enacted similar restrictions, like Oregon, saw millions in lost revenue and disrupted supply chains.

Policy Recommendations

• Avoid Prohibition: Rather than banning hemp-derived cannabinoids, regulation should focus on product safety, age restrictions, and clear labeling.

• Support Economic Stability: Restricting the industry would disrupt thousands of jobs and millions in tax revenuewithout clear public safety benefits.

• Encourage Collaboration: A balanced regulatory approach could maintain public safety while allowing Texas businesses to continue growing.

Hemp Wars: Lt. Dan Marches Senate into Kill-Zone

Political Commentary | Jay Maguire – Political Editor Texas Hemp Reporter –
Senate Bill 3, introduced by Senator Charles Perry and backed by Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, represents Texas’ most aggressive crackdown on hemp-derived cannabinoids. The bill would ban all cannabinoids except CBD and CBG, effectively outlawing products containing delta-8 and delta-9 THC, which have flourished due to legal gray areas. Supporters argue that these products pose safety risks, particularly to minors, while opponents see the bill as an unnecessary expansion of government control that would cripple Texas’ legal hemp industry.
But this legislation isn’t just about hemp—it’s part of a broader far-right agenda in Texas, where Patrick and Perry have used their power to push extreme culture war policies. Patrick, in particular, has been instrumental in Texas’ hard-right turn, attacking public education, LGBTQ+ rights, and any form of marijuana legalization under the guise of protecting “traditional values.” This latest push to ban hemp-derived cannabinoids aligns with their long-standing efforts to extend the failed War on Drugs, despite mounting evidence that criminalization doesn’t work.
The financial backing behind this movement is critical to understanding what’s happening. Patrick’s biggest donor, West Texas oil billionaire Tim Dunn, has poured millions into reshaping Texas politics, funding primary challenges against Republicans who aren’t conservative enough. Dunn’s money has fueled attacks on public education, voting rights, and any policy that doesn’t fit his ultra-conservative, Christian nationalist vision for the state. In that context, SB3 isn’t just about hemp—it’s about control. It’s another example of Texas’ political machine prioritizing ideological battles over economic freedom, despite the fact that the hemp industry has created jobs and generated revenue for the state.
If SB3 passes, it will take effect on September 1, 2025, with retailers required to comply by January 1, 2026. But for Patrick and Perry, the bill’s impact goes beyond just shutting down hemp businesses—it’s part of a larger strategy to shape Texas in their far-right image, using the War on Drugs as a tool to maintain power.

The Parable of the Two Molecules

On a quiet morning in a town that could be anywhere—though, in truth, it sits under a
blazing Texan sun—two figures stand at a crossroads. One is an old farmer, face lined
with decades of toiling in the fields, familiar with the gentle hum of wind through
cannabis leaves. He smiles easily, remembering a time when all he had was the plant,
its naturally occurring Delta-9 THC dancing beneath the sun, a secret he could trust.
The other figure, a young chemist in a crisp white lab coat, fresh from a makeshift
laboratory hidden behind a steel door, cradles a vial of something new, something
strange: a synthesized cannabinoid conjured not by nature, but by human ingenuity.

They meet by a rickety wooden sign that reads: “HEMP—0.3% THC LIMIT.” It’s a relic
from a not-so-distant past, a guideline that changed the course of everything. On one
side of the sign, fields of hemp sway under legally sanctioned skies, their Delta-9 THC
content tightly bound by regulation. On the other side, a world of possibility and
confusion blooms—hemp-derived molecules twisted, converted, and reshaped into
something both eerily familiar and unstintingly new: Delta-8, THCP, HHC, and more.

The farmer remembers a hypothetical: If you could hop into a time machine—say, back
to 2018—and whisper in the ear of a president, “Legalize cannabis outright,” would all of
this tinkering have been necessary? Would there be a room full of chemists bending
molecules to comply with laws rather than to discover truth? One timeline might have
yielded an abundance of natural Delta-9 THC, openly grown, studied, and enjoyed
without the shadowy dance around percentages. But in the timeline we have, clever
minds spotted a legal loophole and seized it. Thus, a new era was born.

The chemist, for their part, isn’t some cartoon villain. They are a seeker of knowledge.
They might say, “Nature is wondrous, but so is the human mind. If we can create a
molecule that offers therapeutic benefits that Delta-9 can’t, why not do it?” Yet the
farmer counters, “If we’d just started by legalizing the original plant, would we have even
bothered? Isn’t Mother Nature’s original blueprint enough?”

People come from all corners to argue. Some say these synthetic cannabinoids have
opened doors: they’ve allowed consumers in places like Texas to experience something
close to the Delta-9 high without openly defying the law. They’ve ushered in a future
where new pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals might arise—substances that could help
ailments where old solutions fell short. Others warn of unknown dangers. Unregulated
synthetics have sent people reeling into hospital beds, their minds spinning into worlds
they never wanted to see. Safety data is thin, and no one’s quite sure what happens
when these new molecules dance in human biology over the long term.
In the distance, smoke rises from another battlefield. Texas lawmakers threaten to end
all THC sales—Delta-9, Delta-8, and everything in between—citing confusion, public

safety, and unforeseen consequences of the hemp loophole. Thousands of shop
owners face ruin. Consumers who rely on these cannabinoids for relief may lose their
access entirely. This ban wouldn’t just target the chemists and the labs; it would also
strike at the humble farmers and their fields of green. One might ask: Whose fault is this
tightening noose? The natural Delta-9 that sparked fear long ago, or the synthetic
creations that emerged only because Delta-9 was kept at arm’s length?
And what of medicine? The Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP) only permits
naturally occurring cannabinoids. There’s a sanctity, it seems, in what the plant chooses
to provide. Yet, shouldn’t we at least ask if the new synthetics deserve study and
scrutiny in clinical environments? Could they be tamed, understood, and perhaps one
day trusted? Or should they remain at the edges, a wild frontier too dangerous to bring
into the doctor’s office?

These questions swirl like smoke in the twilight air. The farmer and the chemist watch
the horizon. They know lawmakers, lobbyists, patients, and business owners are all
involved—everyone is shouting, everyone is pushing, everyone is pulling. It’s a war of
definitions: What is natural? What is safe? What should be allowed? And beneath these
questions lies an even deeper one: Who are we to decide what belongs in our bodies,
and at what cost?

By now, we are all standing at that crossroads, squinting into a future fogged by
uncertainty. Does the “natural” inherently mean safer, better, more ethical? Or does
human innovation hold a torch that illuminates pathways nature never considered? If
time were reversed, would we just legalize Delta-9 THC and spare ourselves this maze
of molecular modifications? Or would we still crave something new, different, and
perhaps better?

scientist experimenting with cannabis in the lab made with AI

In the end, the figures fade, and we are left with the riddle itself. Just as Hamlet once
pondered “To be or not to be,” we are left wondering: to inhale the old ways or embrace
the new; to trust nature’s leaf or trust the alchemy of the lab; to ban them all or find a
delicate balance.

We stand, each of us, at that same dusty crossroads, knowing there is no easy answer.
In our hesitation, we discover that we are not truly debating chemistry or law. We are
asking who we are as a society—our values, our hopes, our fears. And perhaps, in that
silent pause, we will learn something about existence itself.

Dear Texas Monthly Editor

Access to hemp makes a difference in the lives of so many Texans. As the family that founded and operates The Happy Cactus Apothecary, we meet these folks every day. Since your story on hemp ran in the recent edition of Texas Monthly, many have asked us to share their stories and address the issues raised by the article.

Patty Boles describes herself as 75 years young and a believer in Christ Jesus. She feels blessed to be a parent, aunt, grandmother, and great-grandmother. For 43 years, she taught elementary school.

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Patty’s story

At the age of 61, Patty experienced her first anxiety/panic attack. “It was terrifying, and I turned to my physician; he prescribed Lexapro, which helped. However, there was weight gain and a sense of not being myself. As time went on, I also began having trouble falling asleep. I turned to consuming small doses of over-the-counter sleep aids. These helped but left me with a morning hangover,” said Patty.

“Several years later, two additional attacks made me wonder if there might be an alternative. My beloved granddaughter suggested that I might visit Happy Cactus Apothecary in Austin, Texas. I will admit I was a bit skeptical about the use of Hemp products and overwhelmed by the array of them. The people took the time to listen and educate me about the products available. I left the apothecary with a small purchase of Delta 8 THC gummies.”

“What a revelation! I have been consuming half a gummy every night for approximately a year. I fall asleep peacefully and wake up refreshed and rested.”

“I have shared my experience with friends of my generation and firmly believe in this product’s benefits. I am grateful that I can purchase it so readily. I would be willing to argue the case for using Hemp products and their benefits.”

“Getting older is not for sissies. At my age, I am not ready to bow to anyone younger or anyone who has not tried them.”

Paige B’s story

Paige B is a single 32-year-old woman working two jobs. Her sciatica causes her trouble sleeping.

“I also am under a lot of stress DAILY, which makes it difficult to relax,” she said. “I am prescribed medication to help with the pain and to sleep, but it’s not something I want to be dependent on, so having one of the gummies from Happy Cactus Apothecary just before bedtime helps tremendously with relaxation and sleep.

She shared that without access to these products, she would be “extremely disappointed. I don’t want to rely on muscle relaxers & pain medication to help me sleep every night. I also quit drinking alcohol 4.5 years ago, and this is the BEST thing I have come across to help me ‘chill out’ when I am stressed.”

Delta 8 Texas

“I have genuinely never found a product that I can buy at a store that helps with my pain management, my trouble sleeping, and my mood. Finding Happy Cactus Apothecary has helped me feel better mentally and physically!”

Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the misconceptions in your story.

The hemp industry argues that according to the letter of the law, the THCa level doesn’t matter. Any plant with less than 0.3 percent THC is hemp.”

The writer uses “THC” often in this article without describing which THC is being discussed: delta 9? delta 8? THCa?

Delta 9 THC is the only form of THC that is required to be less than 0.3 percent per dry weight. Defining the differences will provide the reader with more context. This lack of clear definitions is throughout the story.

“There was no way a plant that tested at legal THC levels at a manufacturing facility could test weeks later at 1.48 percent.”

What was the testing method for the White Wok sample? If it was tested with any type of heat, it most likely changed the plant’s chemical makeup, converting some THCa into delta-9 THC. Again, the article references THC levels without clarifying which form of THC they are referring to.

“Texas Monthly purchased smokable cannabis at eight dispensaries, two each in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. We bagged our purchases and sent them to Anresco for testing. All eight samples came back with delta-9 THC levels in excess of legal limits.”

We have serious questions about the laboratories’ methods. We respectfully ask for details about the testing procedures. More transparency is warranted and will benefit your readers. For example, did they use gas chromatography to test the samples? If so, that test includes heat, which will change the chemical makeup of the plant sample. To clarify, THCa degrades to delta 9 THC with heat, so a heated test would degrade the non-psychoactive THCa into the psychoactive delta 9 THC.

His operation is regulated by Texas Department of Public Safety inspectors with the humorlessness of Soviet functionaries. They don’t worry him. What does are the thousands of licensed hemp dispensaries in the state that, he says, sell strains of cannabis that could lay low a three-hundred-pound rutting hog.” and enough to neutralize a half-ton bull alligator.”

Hemp is not to be used as a tranquilizer. Hyperbolic statements are unnecessary and only distract from an honest and science-based discussion about hemp use in Texas.

The study tested 29 samples from prerolls and loose flower, all of which were sold with certificates indicating their THC was under 0.3 percent. Nineteen had levels above the limit. Factoring in the THCa, 25 were marijuana.”

What is meant by the term ‘factoring in.” Also, THCa is found in marijuana and hemp, which makes this statement confusing. Per the law, a cannabis plant containing high levels of THCa and less than .3% delta 9 THC is hemp. And a cannabis plant containing high levels of THCa and more than .3% delta 9 THC is marijuana. More explanation and context is needed to support this conclusion. Greater detail about testing procedures and laboratory standards is vital for a substantial discussion about access to hemp in Texas.

Most of the hemp dispensaries out there, knowingly or unknowingly, are selling illegal federal marijuana. And they can do it because these stores operate at the crossroads of poorly written laws.”

These shops are selling legal Hemp flowers under the current written laws in Texas. Thanks to the plain language of those laws, Texans have access to hemp every day, which helps them with daily challenges.

Texas Original grew alongside the program, adding customers and increasing revenue, Richardson said, until about 2023. He blames the proliferation of hemp dispensaries for this setback.”

The hemp dispensaries are not causing the setback – it is the unnecessarily restrictive laws in Texas surrounding the use of medical cannabis (marijuana). Those strict laws have put limits on what the Compassionate Use Program can sell; thus, the hemp dispensaries are legally filling in this gap for many Texans who need this plant for relief.

“Chemists and botanists in the hemp industry soon discovered that they could extract psychoactive compounds from hemp, such as THCa, thus skirting federal and state laws focused on delta-9 THC levels

THCa is not a psychoactive compound. As previously mentioned, THCa can degrade into the psychoactive compound delta 9 THC with heat. Also, there is no need to extract THCa from Hemp; it occurs naturally in large amounts in Industrial Hemp (also known as THCa flower).

“Dispensary owners are confident they’re on the right side of the law.”

The law in Texas does not require testing to be done at any particular point in the plant’s life cycle. So if a THCa flower sample is tested before levels of delta-9 THC exceed legal limits, the plant is hemp and legal to sell in Texas. If that same sample (now packaged for sale) slowly or quickly converts (via heat) to having more than the legal limit of delta 9 THC, the law in Texas does not confirm that it is then an illegal product. Further testing is not required by Texas law after the initial testing. The law in Texas also doesn’t require any certain type of testing for hemp flower. For example, if we get a liquid chromatography test initially done for a hemp flower sample, and it doesn’t exceed the legal limits of delta 9 THC, it is legal to sell in Texas. Now, suppose that same sample is tested days or months later in Texas by an organization trying to determine its legality. In that case, they will most likely use gas chromatography testing here in Texas, which then heats the sample, degrading some of the THCa into delta 9 THC. If this change then provides the new test results with over-the-limit amounts of delta 9 THC, there is nowhere in Texas law saying that the sample is now illegal since its initial tests were within legal limits of delta 9 THC.

“Texas Monthly purchased two joints from its location across the street from a high school in South Austin.”

Despite there being no rules or regulations regarding age and consumption of hemp in the state of Texas (even though the local hemp industry has asked the state to regulate with an age gate), it has always been our policy not to sell THC products to anyone under 21. In fact, a person must be 21 or older to view our website. Furthermore, we are sending a letter to the High School advising them that their students are not welcome at our establishment and inviting them to work with us to keep them from entering our store.

At a recent legislative hearing, state senator José Menéndez, a San Antonio Democrat, reflected on the spread of legal hemp stores selling products chemically similar to marijuana. ‘In a way, inadvertently, we passed a law that sort of legalized the use of cannabis in the state of Texas,’ he said.” 

This language is confusing to the reader as hemp and marijuana are both “cannabis.” So yes, cannabis with less than 0.3% delta 9 THC  is legal to use in Texas. If he is indeed referring to marijuana, then no, Texas has not legalized it. Texas has legalized hemp. What these shops are selling is technically and scientifically hemp.

We appreciate this opportunity to share with your readers the stories of our clients and additional information to provide broader context and the need to dig deeper into the science of testing Hemp products.

We believe we help our clients every single day. We do it legally and feel morally just because we see the difference it makes in their lives.

Thank you,
Todd Harris
Mickey Harris
The Happy Cactus Apothecary



Dear Grandma, Lt. Gov Dan Patrick is coming after your Hemp Products

I hope that this finds you doing well, but your grandson has some concerns about your near future.


I’ve tried telling you in the past that he was looking into ways he could do this. I remember you telling me that there was nothing on the news about it, so it must be my wild imagination. Well, it’s on the news now if you didn’t see.


Our Lt Governor just put out a written list of legislative priorities for the next legislative session. One of them is exactly this grandma. Banning Delta 8 and 9:  Examine the sale of intoxicating hemp products in Texas. Make recommendations to further regulate the sale of these products, and suggest legislation to stop retailers who market these products to children.


Nana, we both know you’re no kid. And I hope you know better than to believe that anybody in this state was making products with the hopes that children would get their hands on them. And nobody is trying to argue that the retailers should even be allowed to sell to children. I know that you like the packaging that reminds you of some of your favorite candies, but it’s not like that to get kids involved. It’s like that because it reminds you of your favorite candies and it helps you decide which ones better suit your taste.

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And it’s not just the gummies and Dan and his senators will be going after. They will go after any flower products, oils, tinctures, and even the salves you use on your joints. When they say ban the intoxicating substance grandma, they mean to ban the very thing that gives you relief at the chemical level, not the final product level.


The legislature doesn’t know of a way of banning just the end product without allowing some sort of base product that could be used in a way they don’t approve of. They just find it easier to ban the substance altogether. And this substance, it’s naturally part of the plant. All of the work spent creating viable crops with a market that would buy any end product, gone. Out the window. 5 years of hard work across an entire industry will be wiped out. You’ll be left with nothing to use, and the economy will take a giant hit too.


Oma, I’m telling you that over 19 billion dollars in economic action will take a major hit, if not wiped out from the ban. I know that nineteen billion sounds like a joke number to you at times. But one of those big economic firms called Whitney Economics with a load of qualified professionals, reported last year about these numbers. Over one and a half billion dollars was spent on wages in this state alone. That’s over a hundred million dollars in social security funds that are helping to cover your current check from social security. Yeah, you can be mad about it possibly running out, but it won’t help if the state is slashing funds going into the pool of money.

Grams, it won’t help if they cut 5,000 businesses from the market and destroy 50 thousand jobs. It will put a toll on the unemployment system and possibly take a major hit on increasing the homeless population. It will take a hit on families that started these businesses with everything they own as investment to see it succeed. The government isn’t going to bail out a business it tries to cut.


Abuela, I know that you had access in other states and in one of the places you lived before retirement that it was the equivalent of a parking ticket for getting caught. It’s not like that here in Texas. If you have flower it’s class B misdemeanor which means a huge fine and jail time. If you have the gummies and oil, it’s jail time from being a felony. Por el amor de Dios Abuela, te ruego que tomes esto en serio. Al estado de Texas no le importa un carajo tu vejez.


Older people are making up a bigger population of the prison system grandma, and it’s coming from new arrests and not just people getting old in the system. I don’t want to see you becoming one of them. Those people don’t get almost any of their proper meds. Your special diet for your heart and blood sugar, doesn’t exist.


I’m not asking for people to be able to sell to kids. It hasn’t really been an issue. I don’t think anybody would have a problem with requiring only adults to be able to purchase it over the counter. We’re not needing marketing legislation either, grandma, it already exists to stop companies from ripping off other products’ trademarks. We both know kids like anything flashy and shiny, but that doesn’t mean we ban everything flashy and shiny does it?

Just remember this for the next 6-7 months Grandma as election campaigns start asking for your opinion. You have to let them know you don’t want to lose your therapeutic hemp products. You have to remind them that addressing imaginary or minor problems with a ban doesn’t fix anything. Holding people responsible for careless behavior that hurts others, that’s a solution.


Anyways Grandma, I can’t wait to see you again and have some of those cookies and that tasty pecan pie you make every time. It’s my favorite. Has been since I can remember you making it for me back when you said I was a big boy that didn’t need a highchair anymore. Hugs and kisses.


Te amo abuela.




Jesse Williams




Are Texas Hemp Shop Raids A Real Concern?

There is no secret about it: Sales of hemp-derived products have exploded all across the Lone Star State. Just about every CBD store, smoke shop, and even gas stations are displaying a multitude of various hemp cannabinoid products with contents ranging from broad spectrum CBD isolate  to very potent THC and  THC derivatives. In fact, a recent report by Whitney Economics suggests Texas businesses engaged in the hemp retail sector are bringing in 8 million dollars in revenue and hiring 50,000 people (1). That is a substantial number in a state where “marijuana” is still illegal.

However, not everyone is winning in this emerging market. Reports began dropping on June 7th of this year, a shop selling hemp-derived products in Garland was raided by local law enforcement and the Drug Enforcement Administration (2). Bee Hippy Hemp was accused of selling illegal THC products and law enforcement seized the store’s products and other assets. The owner has since maintained their business did nothing wrong, all the products were federally and state compliant, and they had proof of valid Certificates of Authenticity (COA).

Soon after, a shop in another North Texas town   called Happy Hippies faced a near similar situation. On August 29th Little Elm PD obtained a warrant to find illegal THC products. They ended up seizing thousands of dollars of products for testing, but made no arrests. Then came Venom Vapors in Killeen on October 20th. This time, the owners were told by police  their COAs, which allegedly were valid, had levels of THC too high to be legal. Killeen PD believed the THC levels established probable cause for a warrant to be issued to seize the product, no matter what hemp laws say. This happening in a city that has decriminalized misdemeanor amounts of marijuana through a local referendum.


While all of these cases are currently under active investigation or pending prosecution, one common theme among them is the lack of understanding of Texas hemp law by local, state, and federal police,  and how they are translating it against long-standing marijuana enforcement. Hemp law was established in 2019 at the Texas Legislature, which virtually legalized everything about the cannabis plant except levels of delta-9 THC over .3% concentration by dry weight. And while Texas hemp is regulated by the Department of Agriculture and Department of State Health Services, little to nothing has been invested by the state to educate local law enforcement agencies about changes in hemp law. This all sits in juxtaposition to a medical cannabis program (Texas Compassionate Use Program) regulated by the Department of Public Safety.


Clear evidence of limited knowledge of Texas hemp law by local police was fully on display during the last Denton City Council meeting addressing marijuana decriminalization measure Proposition B on June 6th. Denton Police officers and representatives from the Denton Police Officer’s Association testified against the ordinance, and time and again, could not differentiate between hemp and marijuana from a policy, industry, or cultural standpoint. The measure was subsequently not adopted by Council.

Without a statewide paradigm shift in education and training, Texas remains a Wild West arena, where a variety of hemp-derived cannabis products are legal and widely available, but could land retailers or consumers in jail. And until one of these situations turns into a high profile court case that awards damages, the confusion as to how to enforce hemp and marijuana laws in Texas will continue to linger in limbo.


Cited Sources:







Daryoush Austin Zamhariri is the Executive Director of the Texas Cannabis Collective, a 501c4 nonprofit dedicated to news/media, advocacy, and premier events focused on Texas cannabis policy, industry, and culture.









2 Brands of Blue Gummies Everyone Must Try

When it comes to covering hemp and cannabis in Texas, testing out new products is a perk of the job. Recently, I indulged in two brands of gummies that I highly recommend. Coincidentally, they’ll both turn your tongue blue. 

1. OnlyDank’s Forbidden Fruit Gummies

During the SXSW music festival in Austin, I ran into Albert, Founder and CEO of OnlyDank. OnlyDank boasts a collection of branded merch — including rolling trays, grinders and hats. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that this growing brand recently added edibles to its sleek product catalog. 

The Forbidden Fruit gummies by OnlyDank not only taste great, but they also reflect the quality the brand stands by. They are organic, vegan and manufactured through a solventless extraction process. They are also made in a Kosher Certified Facility.

The first time I indulged in one of these 10mg Delta 9 THC gummies, I noticed that it was fast-acting. I took it right before bed, and it quickly brought me to a mellow, contemplative place. While my mind was moving in an analytical way, I felt euphoric and not the least bit anxious as I dozed off into a tranquil slumber.

Based on my experience, I highly recommend heading to to make a purchase.

2. Blue Buzzberry Gummies from Buck’A Buzz 

It was through Texas Hemp Show’s recent partnership with Weed and Whisey TV that I discovered the Buck’A Buzz gummies. Jerry “J-Man” Joyner, the streaming platform’s frontman, is involved in the venture and gave me a pack to try.

I have to give this brand an A+ on its marketing. For one, the packaging is colorful and attention-grabbing. Furthermore, a 5-pack of 10mg Delta 9 THC gummies costs $5 (hence the name “Buck’A Buzz”).

Yes, the concept is amusing, but the effects are no joke. When I took a Buck’A Buzz, I found the experience to be rather uplifting. For the next few hours, I felt chatty and upbeat.

If you want a gummy that will provide a quality sesh for yourself and four friends at a value, Buck’A Buzz is for you. Find them at

Hemp Flower Production a Boost for Farming

Delta-8 and smokable flower are keeping many of the states hemp farmers busy in recent months. After several regulatory loopholes and a DSHS lawsuit the state has allowed for Delta-8 to be sold legally in Texas, but not without some confusion. Delta-8 is a legal cannabis product that comes from hemp but can still give the consumer a light psychotropic high entirely on its own. Many states have issued restrictions around the product, usually states with a strong cannabis market in place, while others simply ignore it altogether. Nonetheless, a high demand for hemp flower has been a lifeline to growers who planted hundreds of acres nationally in 2019 expecting a boost in CBD products, only to see the market prices plummet after a year of over production in many states.

According to Green Market Report, Hemp Benchmarks reported that after rising 4% in May 2021, the average cost per-kilogram price for delta-8 THC distillate fell 1% in June to $1,215. “Notably, both the low and high ends of observed transaction data – $900 and $1,650 per kilogram – were up compared to May.” In Georgia, Reginald Reese of Green Toad Hemp Farm told Hemp Benchmarks that delta-8 THC was here to stay. “The beauty of it is, Georgia [like Texas,] refused the [delta-8] ban,” he said. “We have the right as licensed hemp growers to use every part of that hemp.” Reese spoke to Hemp Benchmark saying that efforts to ban delta-8 THC are part of a “full-court press” from the businesses participating in licensed, state-legal marijuana industries, which do not want the competition. 

But that isn’t a problem in many states like Texas who have a fledging small cannabis program for 1% medical marijuana anyway. This has created a boom in Delta 8 sales across Texas and many other states.

Growing Smokable Flower

The Hemp Benchmark report stated“the study has documented over 168.2 million square feet registered for indoor or greenhouse production. This figure is up 328% compared to over 39.5 million square feet recorded in June 2020 and up 85% from over 90.8 million square feet ultimately documented by the end of last year.”

Nationally, and here in Texas, it seems that many outdoor grow operations have focused growing more greenhouse and indoor operations to fulfill the smokable flower demand. The Benchmark Report reported that smokable CBD Flower has continued to hold its value in the U.S. hemp wholesale market better than perhaps any other hemp-CBD product. “Flower grown indoors or in greenhouses also typically commands a premium price compared to that cultivated outdoors.” The study also concluded that flower prices leveled in June of last year around $300/pound that May. “Despite some reports of still-stagnant demand for CBG, the price for smokable CBG Flower rose 15% in June to average $326 per pound, exceeding the price for its CBD counterpart. The significant increase in the assessed price for CBG Flower this month follows an over 50% jump observed in May.”

If these indications from last years numbers continue to move in the upper mid $300-$400 range, then these are significant numbers that is welcomed news for most indoor farmers growing smokable flower.

Industrial Hemp in Texas

Since Hemp is regulated by the Texas Department of Agriculture, TDA, and THC tested for psychoactive properties. Most of our readers know already that a hemp crop with THC levels above 0.3% will be impounded and destroyed, so growers are mindfully cautious to not allow a mature rate over these levels.  “As an alternative crop, the hemp industry in Texas is still in its infancy,” Calvin Trostle, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension agronomist and statewide hemp specialist in Lubbock told AgriLife Today “There is a massive amount of education going on, but we’re still trying to determine what varieties are adaptive so that we can help producers avoid headaches.” Trostle also noted that it doesn’t take a lot of acreage to mass produce CBD into small outputs for the retail and wholesale market. “It doesn’t take many acres to produce CBD for the end-product,” Trostle said. “Around 25 acres producing average yields can fill 1 million bottles that contain about 1 gram of CBD.” 

Hopefully fiber will begin to expand here in Texas in the coming years. However, Trostle describes Texas conditions present problems for some growers. “The challenge we are trying to address in fiber and grain varieties is that most types are adapted to latitudes further north – Canada, Ukraine, Poland, France – and are very photo-period sensitive,” he said. “It’s not the heat units and sun they need like cotton, it’s longer summer days for growth and then increasing length of night to trigger reproduction. Plant reproduction is triggered far too early this far south.”

As for industrial production for hemp – fiber or grain, the main challenge we see here in Texas is that it will still be some time before established processing facilities are developed, and a boost of financial investment


This year has been a wild ride for hemp, and cannabis in general in Texas and it’s not going to stop for a single moment.

Our 2021 year started off with a legislature that filed quite a few cannabis related bills in the House. Penalty reduction, medical cannabis, a hemp cleanup bill were the primary topics being pushed in the 87th regular session. Texas saw weak advancement on medical progress for cannabis, no penalty reduction measures signed off because of the desire to include delta-8 language, and the hemp cleanup bill failed for the exact same reason with even more debate on that delta-8 issue.

A committee hearing saw licensed hemp agencies and advocacy groups compared to cartels during hearings. Groups were visiting offices to prevent language designed to block delta-8 from inadvertently destroying the rest of the hemp market. And DSHS testified that they were under the presumption that delta-8 was illegal regardless of what the legislature did with the cleanup bill. Delta-8 was clearly all over the place and on most of the industry’s minds.

The majority of the industry moved forward after the regular session under the presumption that delta-8 avoided a death blow. Others had seen that DSHS was making their claim in the Senate committee hearing because they had held a hearing on the topic and practically nobody knew that it happened. That meeting was to review the controlled substances schedule of Texas to oppose the carved out exemptions. Their results were something that most industry talking heads and experts said, “flipped the definition of hemp on its head.”

There is definitely a problem with delta-8 in the industry and it’s not delta-8 itself that is the problem. Delta-8 is a result of failing to pass proper cannabis regulations while passing a hemp program with no cleanup bills federally or on a state level to address gaps in that program. Itself on its own is not a reason for danger. People creating products that they claim are delta-8, that are really delta-9 are an issue.

Think they aren’t? Wait until you have to be in front of a judge arguing that you were arrested for something that isn’t what is on the label and what was in the bottle is illegal in Texas, all while you can’t get a lawyer because it’s too expensive. People creating products that have byproducts in their extracts that are not conducive to healthy human living are also a problem. A CBD Oracle Lab Study article showed some Delta-8 products are 7700% over the legal delta-9 THC limit. That last sentence, google it and have your mind blown if you didn’t already know this.

Then the icing on the cake of these issues are lab results that have been falsified possibly by the product manufactures or another party down the line after lab tests were done. Products with metals in the original testing being eradicated from the lab result altogether, along with delta-9 thc being relabeled as delta-8 or completely removed from the results as well.Retailers using one lab COA for all of their products they ship and sell over the counter is another issue. A brownie should have its own COA, a gummy should have it’s own, and a tincture should have one as well that isn’t the same COA as the hemp product placed in the item. The item itself needs a COA, not just the substance infused into the product.

This still isn’t a need to remove delta-8 or any other THC isomer from the market. Removing it from the market is a knee jerk reaction, and one that shows no true thought was put into the decision. Elected officials can claim they have put lots of thought into this, but what does it mean if their thoughts are put aside for a few higher up figures, instead of representing their constituents?

What should the state of Texas do to set an example on how to wrangle this issue? Should we have labs that are audited by the state to ensure testing is done properly? Should we ensure that any product that is placed out for retail has a lab result from a Texas lab before it can be placed on shelves or sold to Texans if they have a physical location in state (we cannot do that to a product just passing through the state, as that would likely violate interstate commerce laws)? Should QR codes lead to a website presented database that is operated by the lab instead of the retailer or the wholesaler? How many counterfeit products could be weeded out of online systems and retail shelves that plan to sell to Texas residents?

This next legislative session we can expect to see varied interests coming out on all sides, including medical marijuana that are going to have input about this, and the hemp industry needs to be ready with answers and be ready to fight for their products. We are all in this together and we all need to push the industry forward together in a healthy and responsible fashion if we want this to work.

Naturally Hemps: Austin TX

The conversation on Delta 8 has been a continuous hot topic in the state of Texas with many already invested in the hemp-derived product pushing for regulation over prohibition in the vested interest of their companies, the industry and the responsible consumer. Darrell Suriff of Naturally Hemps discussed with Texas Hemp Reporter how Delta-8 and the looming possibility of it’s legal status looks from a company standpoint.

Naturally Hemps is an alternative solutions company under the umbrella of Naturally Distro which operates over 30 retail stores across Texas, Louisiana, and Tennessee to include the Austin Vape and Smoke franchise. The company manufactures a large variety of natural CBD, kratom, e juice vape and legal hemp related products out of their 30k square foot main manufacturing facility in Pflugerville. While they offer a variety of product on their name, Delta-8 specifically makes up about 20% of their gross business over the last 12 months moving into the largest growth category in the industry.

As this time period has also seen a tremendous amount of legislative process on the same topic, Suriff says it has been difficult to gauge business around potential legislation. The fluctuation of legality is costly not only as it comprises 20% of his revenue, but in considering the cost of entry into it as a manufacturer is quite extensive regarding liability, machinery, and wages for his 180 employees which all makes a huge impact on their bottom line.

While Delta 8 is fully legal in Tennessee, constant restructuring and vague state law keep him from selling it into his Louisiana stores. There are no clear cut guidelines currently for Delta 8 in our neighboring state and Texas leads between the two on education and communication between state officials and hemp businesses. While Delta 8 is currently still fits into a legal category following the lack of advancement or changes in the hemp bill last legislative session, it’s status still stands on shaky ground.

States that have fully legalized cannabis are historically the ones who try and ban it most as they get taxation on THC but not off of Delta 8. Right now Texas has enacted the Compassionate Use Program effective September 1, 2021 which allows patients access, through their physician, to prescription low-THC cannabis in the treatment of medical conditions like cancer, autism, PTSD, and seizure disorders. The single operating medical marijuana license holder in the state have been the leaders in the ban on Delta 8 which lead many to question if they will simply see taxation on a state level or full market control. A drastic shift in the industry and lawmaking would not only cause large companies like Naturally Hemps to take a massive hit, but consumers as well as Suriff states, “We believe people have a right to self medicate, treat, or relax [with all variations of hemp derivatives] just as they would in a glass or 2 of wine or beer.” And with that statement backs it with the push for regulation beyond minors into consenting responsible adults.

Darrell Suriff himself knows the firsthand benefits it can bring with chronic pain and the success of his business was built on his own personal success story. A little over a decade ago, Suriff suffered a broken back which led to permanent rods placed in his spine and persistent pain. His corporate insurance plan at the time offered many opioids at his disposal which led to a year-long addiction before he discovered the benefits of Kratom, CBD, and, later, Delta-8. He was able to then craft a daily regimen with these products which allowed him to function without pain and without the use of opioids or any other addictive drugs. From there he built his new endeavor of vape retails stores from an initial $26,000 investment into a $70,000,000 empire based on the products that saved his life – all organically with incremental growth.

With full understanding of the scope of all Delta-8 offers, and standing by what his own business and life is built on, Darrell Suriff hold his position alongside many other Texan hemp product manufacturers and retailers who call to maintain a regulated market on the product for the livelihood of Texans all around.

Navigating a Sea of CBD

CBD use has exploded across the country to the point where consumers are mind boggled at the sea of choices. Some patients who it could greatly benefit from CBD, decided early in the game that it’s over-priced snake oil because they bought a shady off brand at the local 7-11 two years ago that did nothing.  Thankfully since then, the market has shaken out to make room for legitimate brands that specialize in reducing inflammation, anxiety, PTSD symptoms, epilepsy, depression, neuropathy, spasms and more.

Even small towns across the country have a CBD shop these days because it is such an effective natural way to self-medicate.  They range from sleek and clinical to funky and fun, and

depending on what you are comfortable with you can find a shop to fit your needs. When choosing products, it’s best to consult with an expert, but doing your own research online is a great place to start.  A reputable manufacturer will provide lab tests; either a QR code on the bottle will lead to itemized batch identified results from a certified lab, or you can find them on the product website. Look for individual tests that show a current dated result naming the specific product you are considering.

Herbal Root Collective in Austin, TX brings their shop to farmer’s markets in the Austin area with an expert who can recommend the right product and dosage for you. With a background in medicine, founder and product developer Caitlyn Hendricks says that the majority of her clients are older folks who suffer from arthritis, bursitis, and high blood pressure. All their products are lab tested and offer a variety of applications from lotion and oil, to roll on, gummies and smokable flower.

Instead of Starbucks, take a field trip to the groovy CBD coffee and snack shop, LazyDaze In Pflugerville, TX. It is veteran owned and operated by Shaunie Haynes and Ken Nance, who offer an extensive variety of goodies from CBD infused Laura Palmers to Cool Beans, Dude coffee and pet treats. If you are in the industry or provide a service, check out their 420 B to B event in Jefferson, TX. You must contact the owners for an invite to this private event.

Restart CBD is an Austin dispensary owned and operated by three sisters who work with certified organic farmers to create alternative remedies to achieve self-healing. They offer a colorful array of edibles including salt water taffy, peanut butter nugs, cold brew, caramels and Delta 8 brownies and chocolates that make taking medicine yummy. 

CBG, or cannabigerol, like its cousin CBD, is a powerful non-psychoactive cannabinoid that can be helpful in relieving symptoms of glaucoma, treating inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), alleviating inflammation in multiple sclerosis, protecting the nerves in Huntington’s Disease, and inhibiting the growth of carcinogenic cells in the colon. According to a study on, CBG had a positive effect on intraocular tension, a main risk factor in glaucoma. But unlike CBD and THC, CBG does not cause conjunctival erythema and hyperemia, making it a preferable treatment. Green Mountain Flower Company in Austin, TX offers a 1,000 mg tincture available in the shop or online.

From the plethora of CBD brands available, deciding what is right for your needs is a process of exploring and learning about this amazing medicine that can relieve a laundry list of symptoms. If your traditional medications are no longer satisfactory in relieving pain and suffering, it is worth the time and money to take your health into your own hands by getting in touch with a reputable CDB dispensary today, for advice and more information.