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Tag: Texas Hemp and Cannabis

High Stakes and Hurdles: Navigating the Challenges and Charting Solutions in the Thriving Hemp Market of Today

Since Hemp was first legalized in 2019 Texas, it has been thriving as a hub for the prosperous hemp industry. The cannabis industry has grown dramatically in recent years in response to expanding legalization. Texas has had its share of leaps and bounds over the past few years as the Lone Star State embraces the potential of hemp cultivation.

There have been many challenges (and solutions) faced by those trying to maneuver the hemp market that either propel or discourage them from moving forward. Some of those hurdles include having to navigate through the tangled web of complex rules and requirements, excessive fees, marketing censorship, and even regulatory compliance issues, just to name a few.

The hemp market is a dynamic industry influenced by factors ranging from global demand to bad weather conditions. Most farmers are faced with the uncertainty of the market that discourages them from moving forward, yet misconceptions about hemp still persist, leading to a lack of awareness and education.


It’s important in any industry to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible to face regulatory changes that affect the community, farmers, advocacy groups, and businesses which can lead to a more streamlined approach to concerns. Submerse yourself in the who, what, when, and how of the industry to stay up to date with current rules and regulations that allow for the exploration of diversification strategies. Bridging the educational gap is crucial for dispelling industry myths and also helps to raise awareness of the diverse uses and benefits of hemp. This helps to build resilience in the face of a constantly changing market and helps overcome misconceptions that lead to the development of innovative solutions. Advocates must engage themselves in community outreach programs, workshops, and even public events to better inform consumers and policymakers about the uses of hemp and its benefits.  If these events are not readily available in your community, you can consider hosting your own Hemp 101 forum or workshop and start from there. You can also inform advocates about the latest technology trends that optimize farming operations and help match researchers with industry players to help form collaborations to support the continued growth and improvement of the industry.

As growth occurs, challenges arise, and coming up with new and innovative ideas will be vital for continued growth. When industry partners work together, bonds are reinforced and growth occurs.  Texas continues to shape its identity in the hemp industry and implementing innovative solutions essential to sustaining its growth for years to come. By working together, staying well informed, and adapting to the evolving landscape, Texas can become a world leader in a thriving hemp market.

Practical Risk Management Tips for Texas Hemp and Cannabis Businesses

By Rae Guyse

Though coverage options have opened up to the hemp industry in recent years, hemp is still considered a high-risk industry with special insurance considerations that those in the hemp industry should be aware of. Whether you are a farmer, processor, manufacturer, or retailer, insurance is an important risk mitigation tool for you to have to in place. This article provides an overview of practical tips for securing the right insurance coverage for your business and includes other risk management issues to assess.

  1. Work with a knowledgeable broker and shop around when securing insurance – and be sure to secure all required coverage lines needed to protect your business.

A broker with experience securing coverage for hemp and cannabis businesses can help you negotiate the right coverage. However, its important to do your own due diligence as well. Shop various coverage lines with multiple insurers. Not all insurance companies in this space are offering a good product, and some sell insurance coverage with so many exclusions you may be left high and dry should an accident occur. A skilled coverage attorney can also help by reviewing any policy terms you have been offered, breaking down your scope of coverage, and spotting any terms you may want to negotiate to have added for your specific business needs. Often, we see companies that believe they had secured correct coverage, only to find out during an adverse event that the coverage they needed had been whittled away by an exclusion to the policy.

Be sure to do a full business analysis to understand all of the coverage lines you require to be protected in all disaster scenarios. Ensure all buildings, machinery, crop, and lots are covered, but don’t just focus on only the product, equipment, or store front–you will need all the traditional first-party and third-party insurance coverage that every other type of standard business should have. First-party coverage refers to insurance for harms that occur directly to your property or business, such as property and crop insurance, business interruption insurance, intellectual property infringement, data loss, cyber insurance, and crime insurance. Third-party coverage covers liabilities to a third-party you may become responsible for, the most common being commercial general liability insurance. Commercial general liability generally affords protection when people get injured on your property (think “slip and fall” scenarios). Other types of insurance you likely need include commercial automobile insurance, workers’ compensation or employer liability insurance, and product liability insurance.

Should an incident arise, make sure you know which policies are triggered. Sometimes you can find surprise coverage in a policy you would not normally think would be triggered by a certain incident, so it is good practice to give each policy a quick review each time you have a potential claim.

  1. Be familiar with your lease agreement and any included insurance requirements.

You should read and study your lease agreement cover to cover just like you would do with your insurance policy (and hire counsel to help you through it if resources allow). It is important that the landlord for any space you intend to rent for your hemp business understands the full purpose for which you plan to rent the space, especially any hemp cultivation or manufacturing activities. Your lease agreement governs the terms between the landlord and your business, and many of those terms relate to how risk is allocated between the parties.  For example, your lease agreement should identify who is responsible for certain repairs, day to day maintenance of the building, and who owns improvements.  It is also common for lease agreements to set forth certain minimum insurance requirements. Failure to adhere to the required insurance terms can put your lease at risk and reduce coverage availability. Make sure the “scope of use” terms of your agreement are broad enough to encompass your business activities. Also, take note of the renewal and termination terms, and whether and how much notice is required. Counsel may be able to help negotiate lease terms in your favor such as pushing the start date of your lease to after the date your business becomes fully operational, solidifying purchase options or the right of first refusal, or reducing certain obligations required of you under the proposed lease.

It is a good idea to have counsel in negotiating the terms of a lease agreement. It is relatively common for key terms to be missed in agreements drafted among parties, which can leave parties without much direction or recourse should something go wrong. It is smart to include terms that commit your landlord to complying with all rules and regulations needed to stay compliant for your businesses’ licensing or premises’ activities. Your landlord is equally likely to want to negotiate terms for legal “outs” for things such as illegal activity, bad grow years, lack of payment, and/or environmental violations. Landlords often also require indemnity from tenants for any liability or civil forfeiture issues.

  1. Watch out for broadly written exclusions, and see if key endorsements can be added to your coverage.

Insurance policies are written in a complicated and hard to decipher format, where coverage is granted by a relatively broad coverage form, and that same coverage is then slowly stripped away by numerous exclusions and policy endorsements listed in different places throughout the policy. This is why it is important to read closely or work with coverage counsel to determine the scope of coverage your policy truly affords. For example, a broadly drafted “health hazard” exclusion in a product liability policy could remove coverage for the types of third-party injuries you would be seeking coverage for if it voids coverage for “any type” of adverse health effect resulting from the any use of your hemp product. Another one to look out for is language that bars coverage for any delta-8 or other novel cannabinoid product – many carrier forms will define “hemp” based on total THC content, not distinguishing between delta-9 and other variants. Vape-related exclusions are also common.

On the flip side, coverage counsel may also be able to help identify key coverage endorsements you can negotiate to have added to your policy. For example, a retailer selling CBD and delta-8 products would be smart to negotiate an Advertising Injury Endorsement, which protects the business from parties that claim to have been injured by an advertising claim made by the business. Make sure to ask your broker if they consider any form of false advertising claim fraudulent. This is one of those tricky areas where hemp or cannabis businesses often believe they have secured coverage – only to later find out when served with a lawsuit that the insurer will deny coverage. It is also a good idea to have an Intellectual Property Endorsement, which protects against accidental intellectual property infringement, a strict liability claim that can be costly to defend without proper coverage. Depending on the extent of your e-commerce activities, data loss coverage may also be recommended.

  1. Understand the requirements of your insurance policies in the event you do need to make a claim.

All insurance policies will have specific terms within the policy you need to comply with in the event that you need to submit a claim. When an incident occurs that you think could be covered, don’t wait – most policies require you to provide prompt notice of a claim, and any significant delay could reduce or void coverage. Other terms explicitly require cooperation with the insurer’s investigation of the incident, and they will likely set forth numerous other policy conditions that must be satisfied for insurance to cover the incident. Compliance is also huge when it comes to ensuring you get the coverage you paid for – anywhere your business is out of compliance with federal, state, or local laws or regulations puts you at risk of losing coverage should an insurable event related to your business or product arise. You should also be  mindful of what actions explicitly void coverage under your policy. Insurers will often dispute coverage and reserve their right to decline coverage when there is even a small chance that an exclusion may be found to apply to your claim. When communicating with your insurer, be sure to put everything in writing. Be sure to respond fully and promptly to all insurer requests. Also, be aware of privilege issues. Assume any communications with your broker will not be privileged in a later dispute over the claim should one arise, and do not forward any legal communications with your coverage counsel to another third party. In the event your insurer responds to your claim with a denial letter, skilled coverage counsel can review the basis for the denial and often find a legal basis for why coverage should be afforded. Where necessary, coverage counsel can escalate the denial to  filing a demand or suit against your insurer.

While risk management is often the last thing a company wants to think about when getting started, it is essential to the long-term success of your business and one of the most important forward-facing steps you should cover from inception. It only takes one claim or lawsuit to put your business at severe financial risk. As the age old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Making sure you have a comprehensive insurance and risk management plan in place can help keep you protected.


Rae Guyse is an associate attorney with Ritter Spencer PLLC. Rae handles matters for companies in all sectors of the hemp, cannabis, and alternative medicine industries, including manufacturers, distributors, and retailers in matters related to compliance, licensing, insurance, trademarking and litigation. Prior to joining Ritter Spencer, Rae spent over two years as an insurance recovery attorney, helping companies maximize their insurance payout in claims against their insurers. As a skilled coverage attorney, Rae can assist you in reviewing your insurance policy before you sign the dotted line to ensure proper coverage. You can reach Rae at 214-295-5070, or email [email protected] to schedule a consultation with her.









5 Lessons I’ve Learned in 5 Years in Texas Hemp

August 2023 marked 5 years of RESTART, the hemp based retail cannabis brand I own and operate with my two sisters in Central Austin (in addition to hosting the To Be Blunt podcast).

We hold one of the states original hemp licenses in what has grown to become a sea of operators ranging from dispensaries to wholesalers, distributors, manufacturers, cultivators, labs and processors. 

We’ve navigated through two legislative sessions and countless other industry lawsuits like the smokable hemp ban that was imposed last summer, not to mention the ongoing attack on Delta 8 THC.

Since 2020 we’ve been executive board members with the Texas Hemp Coalition, which has enabled us to advocate and influence policy – In fact I just made my second trip back from D.C. where we got to meet with key federal stakeholders regarding pressing issues impacting hemp operators and retailers like myself. 

© David Brendan Hall /

And we lead by example and focus heavily on educating our team so that we can pass that education onto our customers.

I’m super proud of what we’ve accomplished, and as a native Texan, still a bit in disbelief that we have the opportunity to work in this industry in my home state.

It does come with it’s set of challenges from marketing, and banking, to compliance, but it’s also been rewarding pioneering in the industry and helping pave a way for this new market to exist. 

All I can hope is that the next five live up to the first five. 

So in honor of that, here are five lesson’s I’ve learned in five years in Texas Hemp:

  1. Always Have a Backup Plan – Whether it’s a backup payment processor or a backup plan for packaging because your shipment of pop tops got held at customs, you must always be prepared due to unforeseen circumstances. Running a business is hard, but running a business in hemp/cannabis is like driving to a destination without GPS. You may generally know the direction you are going from A to B, but you have no idea what road closures or detours may be up ahead so you have to be prepared for anything to happen. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, so be prepared and keep rolling with the punches and probably have a backup plan for your back up plan just in case.
  1. Evolve or Die – Things move fast, like super sonic. From science expanding, to laws changing, what we know about the boundaries of this industry are constantly evolving and to stay in the game you have to keep moving. When we first entered the marketplace in 2018 the primary product we were selling was CBD sublingual oils, which is a complete 180 to what my top product category is in 2023 (it’s THC edibles in case you’re wondering.) Plus, here we are five years later and we have a plethora of cannabinoids to choose from in addition to CBD like THC, CBG, CBN, and THCV. Of course, this could all change on the flip of a dime, which is reinforcing my motto to always have a backup plan and keep evolving!
  2. Don’t Believe The Headlines – In the spirit of our industry being so knew, there is going to be a lot of chatter and hype, and in reality misinformation. It’s always served me well to keep an open mindset and to pay attention to as much perspective as possible. As a Texas operator, what is going on in Texas is extremely personal to me, but other states looking in might not be able to relate to what’s going on and vice versa. We have an opportunity to make a real impact with this plant, but we have a lot of stigma to work through both inside and outside of the general hemp and cannabis community. Because this is a moving target the information is updating constantly so paying attention to the fine details and not getting caught up in headlines is key.
  3. Stay Curious – To succeed you must become a sponge! Talk to as many people as you can and learn as much as you can about the laws, the plant, the science, and the market. Talk to your peers, talk to your operators, get involved, watch the trends, and then apply that to your own business or brand. Putting on the To Be Blunt podcast over these last three years has enabled me to stay in tune with what is going on nationally while also allowing me to have a platform to share realtime updates about our market here in Texas. Additionally organizations like the Texas Hemp Coalition are invaluable for connecting key stakeholders together so that the rising tide can lift all boats. It’s been great to meet other operators and have a community of peers that are also going through the same things which feels empowering to know we’re not alone.

  4. Think Like a Consumer – At the end of the day, this industry is becoming a CPG (consumer packaged goods) industry and I put emphasis on the “consumer” part. The customer comes first, and if you’re smart, you’d actually talk to your customers and get their feedback. Especially here in Texas where, for example, a lot of our community is unaware of variances between Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC which causes us to have to overly educate and think through their challenges when engaging with these products. We should also take into consideration all the aforementioned information included in points 1-4 when it comes to bringing these consumer packaged goods to market. There is a legal landscape, a regulatory landscape, quality assurance and safety concerns, as well as efficacy that the consumer is seeking that all need to be taken into consideration if you want to succeed not only today but tomorrow too.

So the final piece of advice is to now figure out what that looks like for you, your brand, your business and then implement a plan to take the next best step forward to help you better navigate and understand the playing field.

Maybe that’s joining an advocacy group like the Texas Hemp Coalition, or pressing play on one of my many free To Be Blunt episodes which you can tune into Monday’s at

Whatever you do, don’t take your foot off the gas!

ZAR Wellness on Podcast # 133

Our friends at ZAR Wellness come on the show and educate our team and listeners on the many products and benefits from CBD and cannabis wellness products, their business, and mission statement.
ZAR is a veteran owned family brand and are happy to help many communities through their storefronts and online store.

Veterans Text ‘Military’ to 254.226.5346 to verify military ID for 22% OFF Discount. No Medical Card Needed at ZAR Cannabis Dispensaries

Ride The Canna-bus

“The Farmacy Botanical Shoppe: Leading the Green Revolution on Wheels”

“The Farmacy Botanical Shoppe: Leading the Green Revolution on Wheels”
In the heart of the Lone Star State, nestled in the vibrant cityscape of San Antonio, Texas, there’s an extraordinary family-owned business making waves in the wellness community. Founded in 2019 by Carolyn and Ben Leeper, The Farmacy Botanical Shoppe is revolutionizing how people access CBD and cannabis products. This dynamic duo launched the business after CBD played a crucial role in alleviating Ben’s back pain. Today, their offerings extend not only to humans but also to pets, through their CBD oils and treats meant specifically for our furry friends.

However, their latest venture is the buzz of San Antonio, and it’s taking the form of a bus. On April 20th, 2023, the Leepers introduced their newest initiative, the Canna-bus, a mobile dispensary that is bringing cannabis products to the people in a unique, innovative, and exciting manner.

The Cann-bus Experience
Taking a step inside the Farmacy Botanical Shoppe’s Canna-bus, you’re greeted by a chill ambiance, an aesthetically pleasing interior, and a well-stocked, mini-indoor shop. This is not your ordinary bus, but a modern cannabis dispensary on wheels offering a wide selection of products from local Texas cannabis brands.

From the beginning, the Leepers were committed to supporting local brands, and that ethos is reflected in their Canna-bus. Their catalog includes many products made in the San Antonio area, affirming their dedication to the economic and social well-being of their community.

The Canna-bus isn’t just a shopping experience, it’s a relaxing lounge on wheels. Here, pets are welcome too! In this friendly, inviting atmosphere, patrons can learn more about cannabis products, their benefits, and how to use them. The Leepers believe in empowering their customers through knowledge, advocating for a more informed and open conversation about cannabis in our society.

This summer, The Farmacy Botanical Shoppe’s Canna-bus is set to make an appearance at the San Antonio Reggae Festival, a perfect setting to sample their popular hemp-based drinks. These refreshing beverages have become a hit for those looking to reduce their alcohol intake while still enjoying a delightful summer refreshment.

Beyond a Bus
The Farmacy Botanical Shoppe’s Canna-bus is more than just a mobile dispensary – it’s also a platform for private events, catering, and celebrations. Imagine hosting a party or event with the Canna-bus parked outside, providing your guests with a unique and entertaining experience!

Carolyn and Ben Leeper have transformed their personal experience into a community resource, one that caters to the needs of the individual and supports local businesses. With the Farmacy Botanical Shoppe’s Canna-bus, they’re driving a green revolution and redefining the way we think about wellness and cannabis.

A New Way to Shop
One of the unique aspects of The Farmacy Botanical Shoppe is its same-day local delivery service. The Leepers have turned convenience into an art form, offering same-day delivery in San Antonio from Monday through Friday for purchases of $25 or more. They are the only cannabis business in the city to offer this service, setting a new standard for customer service in the industry. Deliveries are made discreetly in an unmarked vehicle, so customers don’t have to worry about neighbors knowing their business!

For frequent shoppers, the Farmacy Botanical Shoppe offers product subscriptions, where customers can choose to receive their favorite wellness products on a recurring interval with a 10% discount. The company also honors Military, Veterans, and first responders with a 20% discount.

Shoppers can visit The Farmacy Botanical Shoppe’s retail store at 20655 Interstate 10 #104, San Antonio, TX 78257 or order on their website for local delivery and nationwide shipping at Don’t forget to follow them on Instagram [@farmacybotanical] [@cannabus_by_farmacybotanical]

Podcast # 131 with J-Man of Weed & Whisky TV

In this last weeks episode Jerry “J-Man” Joyner appears on the Texas Hemp Show to discuss his brand BUCK A BUZZ gummies, as well as talk about the health benefits of cannabis. Joyner has teamed up with Patriot Media Group to offer marketing services with the Texas Hemp Reporter.

Texas A&M Undergrad Awarded the Texas CHIL Scholarship

Texas A&M undergraduate student Christian Hunter Spearman has just been awarded the $2,000 Texas Cannabis Hemp Innovation League Scholarship. Sponsored by the Texas Hemp Reporter , The Texas Hemp Coalition & the Cannabis Hemp Innovation League, the scholarship recognizes Spearman’s outstanding essay on the topic of de-stigmatizing cannabis.

Hailing from Plano, Texas, Spearman is an Agricultural Leadership & Development major with a minor in Plant Breeding. He is also a talented athlete, playing for the Texas A&M University Hockey team. The award was presented to him at the last C.H.I.L. meeting of the semester by Clay Moore, the President of CHIL, undergraduate researcher and breeder in the Industrial Hemp Breeding Program at Texas A&M University.

In his winning essay, Spearman delves into the history of cannabis in American society, its harsh criminalization in the 1930s, and the negative reputation it has garnered as a result. He proposes three main methods to destigmatize cannabis: educational awareness, policy reform, and normalization through media.

Spearman advocates for dispelling common misconceptions about cannabis through educational campaigns, conferences, and classes that highlight the benefits and risks of its use. He addresses myths such as cannabis being a gateway drug, highly addictive, and causing lung cancer, which have been debunked over the years.

Policy reform is another key aspect of Spearman’s proposed approach to destigmatizing cannabis. By legalizing cannabis for medical and recreational use, he believes that this will open more business and job opportunities, ultimately contributing to a more accepting and destigmatized view of the plant. Spearman also emphasizes the importance of using media outlets to shift public opinion by promoting the positive effects of cannabis, such as its use for treating inflammation and pain relief.

Congratulations to Christian Hunter Spearman on this well-deserved achievement. His insightful essay highlights the importance of reevaluating societal perceptions of cannabis and offers practical solutions to create a more informed and positive image for this versatile plant. As the push for cannabis legalization and education continues to gain momentum, Spearman’s essay serves as a valuable contribution to this ongoing conversation.

Weed & Whiskey News: Austin

The Texas Hemp Reporter is excited to report on our partnership this Spring with Jerry Joyner aka “JMan” and our friends at the Dallas TX based Weed & Whiskey TV. The ROKU Platform offers cannabis content, and much more from its APP, YouTube channel, and website platforms. Viewers are now be able to access Texas Hemp Show content from the website but the networks staple show Weed & Whiskey News is also shooting weekly content from the new Austin TX based studio.

Joyner and Dowden will frequently appear together as well as separately from the new downtown Austin Texas facilities. Russell appeared on Episode 35 last month and has plans to collaborate on several projects with the Weed & Whiskey TV platform.

Click to watch Episode # 35 here on YouTube.

The Texas Hemp Show has also landed itself back on local air-waves in Austin TX with Waterloo Media and Austin’s ESPN flagship Saturdays from 8am-9am on weekends. The Podcast Audience is already growing on digital platforms, but the new edition of ESPN will only blossom the talk show into more listeners and a budding interest in business and opportunities as cannabis becomes more mainstream in the Lone Star State.

One Project Coming Soon from Weed & Whiskey TV & Patriot Media Group is a new News Program called “Paranoid America”

Former NFL Running Back Ricky Williams Launches Highsman Cannabis Lifestyle Brand

Every year since 1935, the Heisman Trophy has recognized the best American college football player. In 1998, the honor fell on University of Texas running back Ricky Williams.

Williams went on to play 11 seasons in the National Football League (NFL) and one season with the Canadian Football League (CFL). During his time in the NFL, Williams failed several drug tests for marijuana — which even spurred an early retirement in 2004. 

Williams returned to the Miami Dolphins in 2005 but was suspended for the entire 2006 season after failing yet another drug test (that’s when he spent a year playing for the CFL). In 2007, Williams returned to the Dolphins, where he remained until 2010. He spent a season playing with the Baltimore Ravens before retiring from the NFL a second time in 2011.

After putting his career on the line multiple times, it’s obvious Williams is a big fan of cannabis. Clearly, using the herb didn’t stop him from breaking NFL records. Now, Williams is encouraging others to “spark greatness” through his Highsman cannabis lifestyle brand.

Visit to browse Williams’ products, which include three categories of cannabis flower: 

  • Pregame: An energizing lineup of game-changing sativas with terpene profiles proven to promote motivation and alertness. 
  • Halftime: A balanced collection of unique hybrids with terpene profiles naturally designed to create a smooth, leveled euphoria.
  • Postgame: A roster of recovery-focused indicas fueled by terpenes that promote pain relief, relaxation and better sleep. 

Fans can also buy apparel on the site — from jackets and hoodies to beanies and sweatpants. Highsman also features an assortment of water bottles, stickers, rolling trays and more.

Williams’ new venture has caught the attention of major media outlets like Forbes, Market Watch and the New York Post. To Williams, it’s obvious Highsman is more than just another cannabis brand. The website describes it as “an elite mentality that is defined by an appreciation for greatness.”

Through the years, Williams has been vocal about his relationship with cannabis, revealing that it has helped him to manage his anxiety. 

“Ricky was scrutinized by the NFL and sports fans alike throughout his career, but he knew that restricting his cannabis consumption meant restricting who he truly was as an individual,” the website explains. 

Be sure to follow @highsman on Instagram to get the latest updates. 

Repo & Revenge: The Continued Adventures of Mr. Jackerman

Secured Transactions in Cannabis on Prohibition and Non-Prohibition Territory

Lacking federal oversight, industry players in the cannabiz would have the capacity to leverage cash influxes with on-hand inventory, to expand assets like equipment and land through secured loans, and generally operate not unlike many other businesses in our economy. A secured loan is basically receiving a cash front from a lender, with a specific item/s of your inventory identified as the leverage, which is repossessed if you default on the payments for your fronted cash.

In legitimate secured transactions there is no vig, so the cost of operations also goes down. This however isn’t possible, and the continued federal prohibition of cannabis has resulted in a lack of clarity surrounding how exactly financial transactions are to be conducted around the particular type of green that contains THC.

This reality also impacts our fictional composite dealer-stealer antihero Mr. Jackerman, and his continued efforts to build upon the stacks and bands in his safe, all the while evading the watchful eye of Big Brother and the crosshairs of his adversaries.

Having recently chomped a few duffel bags worth of Benjamin Franklin-stamped blubber off an industry whale, he is now the one being hunted. Mr. Jackerman is stressed out, man, he’s on edge, his business is volatile, and as a result so has been the mood of many of the players in his game. The fact that he’s robbed quite a few of them already, some repeatedly, doesn’t help to defray his sense of crackle, the quiet rumble, the heat.

Are clips sliding in and bullets being racked? Is the pleasant ringing of a machete’s steel sliding across a whetstone accenting the dewy, dusky air of a distant farmhouse? Do we have a crew of gentlemen in black skinny suits atop black Air Force 1’s under maroon ski-masks with white grinning demonic toothy grins drawn on, black minivan outside, waiting for a text containing the address of a certain Mr. Jackerman? These are questions businesspeople should not have to ask themselves.

The Notorious BIG’s 10th Crack Commandment & Business Development

Consignment according to the Notorious BIG, the “Black Frank White”, a reference to the classic Christopher Walken film King of New York, is “strictly for live men, not for freshmen”, and if “you ain’t got the clientele, say hell no”. This is because the higher ups in the crack game, BIG asserts, will want their money whether it is snowing, sleeting, hailing, or even, you guessed it, raining. The same is true for any other business, when products are provided on net terms with payment pending at some point in the future, payment is to be received or consequences are to be experienced.

A puddle of water is parted like the Red Sea by the tire of a blacked out Mercedes G-Wagon. Four pairs of black Air Force 1s connect with the concrete, a nondescript warehouse in a nondescript dead manufacturing district lies ahead. Curiously, a pair of parallel strings of hanging lights dance erratically down an alleyway into the darkness. Steel slides across leather, unholstered our hit team is on the move, oddly enough beneath the eerily incandescent string of lights the entire way towards their target.

Essentially consignment is giving product to another retailer without receiving full payment up-front, in the hopes that they eventually pay-up. Fronts are often more expensive than cash deals, but in the black market the risk is greater. The fronter may end up without their cash as the frontee has been arrested, or otherwise indisposed of.

When it comes to cannabis, ongoing federal prohibition precludes the free exercise of secured transactions in cannabis. I believe in secured transactions from a lender’s perspective, as the terms of traditional loans can be a bit too esoteric and imaginative for my liking. Securing a loan to a tangible asset with real value is the surest way to maintain your value and to mitigate risk.

Example: Lend a construction company $50,000 to buy a $50,000 truck, with the actual physical possession and title to the truck the security on the loan. The construction company pays $30,000, defaults, and the lender takes back the $50,000 truck, keeping the $30,000 in payments. Sounds almost illegal, yeah? No stick-ups involved, and if necessary ultimately an officer of the court, often a Sheriff, can be sent to take back what’s yours. Secured transactions are snazzy, but they are irrelevant when a product is illegal.

An End to Federal Prohibition is the Only Pathway to Peace

Mr. Jackerman understands that he has a certain knack for business, an innate hustle that he could apply to other industries, industries with lesser risk. However, Mr. Jackerman would rather own his schedule, sleep until whenever, go to the gym whenever, drink exclusively out of vintage Irish-mined Waterford Lismore crystal, and have more cash than he has ideas on how to spend it, with enough time to get into whatever. Barring one’s birthing with a silver spoon and a forthcoming payout on a trust fund, this simply is not possible without great ingenuity, and/or great risk. Mr. Jackerman is wise enough to know he is not ingenious enough, and so he’s accepted that his road to riches is the great reward through great risk pathway.

The Bootleggers of the 21st Century: for as long as cannabis is federally illegal, there will be businesspeople taking such an informed risk in pursuit of profit.

Wood splintering at the hinges, a door that should have been better secured swings open with ease. Black skinny suits are coated in dust as the four filter through the door, spilling across the room towards doors and hallways, whispers of the word “clear” dropping like pins in the silence. Our entry room is empty, as is the entire structure…

The light-blue hue of a black-and-white screen flickers through crystal, prisming across Mr. Jackerman’s face, the screen showing empty rooms and gentlemen with devilish grins on their maroon ski masks searching in vain for nothing. Flicking off the screen, BIG’s 5th Crack Commandment rings in his head, “never sell no crack where you rest at”.

It is wise to maintain a separate, secret residence if one is a player with assets in the black market. The best I’ve seen in fiction is probably Pietro Savastano’s in the exceptionally fine Italian crime drama “Gomorrah”. Gustavo Fring on “Breaking Bad” had a similar setup you might recall.

Will House Bill 1937 Pass and End Texan Prohibition on Cannabis?

A recently proposed bill could result in fewer black market whales for Mr. Jackerman to harpoon when he’s feeling hungry. New Bedford, Massachusetts was once known as the “City that Lit the World” given their possession of the whaling industry at a time when whale blubber-sourced oil lit homes via lamps. As the whaling industry waned and flickered out, and much of the manufacturing in the area alongside it, the Captain Ahabs of the coastline found new occupations, but the town itself was slow to recover.

Locally the town was known to have become salty, scrappy, populated by the descendants of whalers, while the officers and captains made new lives for themselves across the bridge in Fairhaven. The foundation was set for a fine American novel, a tale of lustrous success and devolution to something else, a widening gap in wealth between members of a close-knit yet caste-like community, until Massachusetts woke up and legalized recreational cannabis.

New Bedford is now lit in an entirely different way, and is presently an on-the-rise coastal town with craft cocktails, trendy boutiques, and recreational cannabis. With cannabis comes community, and capital. Texas has recently stepped back into the dark ages in terms of women’s rights, it would be noteworthy if we simultaneously leapt into the future by establishing a recreational cannabis market.

Until next time,

Michael John Westerman, Esq.

Texas Hemp Day at the Capitol

The Texas Hemp Reporter attended the first ever Texas Hemp Day at the Capitol and Rachel was there for a report with activity with lawmakers. Written & Produced by Rachel Nelson.

Texas Hemp Day at the Capitol was a huge success, marking the first time that Texas’ hemp industry came together at the capitol. The event provided an opportunity for members to interact with one another, as well as state representatives and senators. The work accomplished at the capitol is expected to benefit the industry in the current legislative session.

The Texas Hemp Coalition expressed their appreciation to all those who came to Austin to show their support for the coalition and the Texas hemp industry, and looks forward to seeing them again soon.

As the 88th Texas Legislature convened on January 10, 2023, the Texas Hemp Coalition’s tenant of “advocacy” is carried out during this session as they continue to fight for the industry’s prosperity. The final day of the legislative session is May 29, 2023, and the coalition encourages industry supporters to reach out to their State Representatives and Senators to voice their concerns and support for the hemp industry in Texas.

The coalition’s federal and state legislative priorities include protecting all cannabinoids for consumable hemp products, ensuring retailers and manufacturers are protected for future cannabinoid products for the market, advancing regulatory efforts towards legalizing hemp feed as a protein for animals for human consumption, urging the FDA to regulate CBD as a dietary supplement, protecting and fighting for farmers to have a more efficient program, updating legislation to reflect changes from USDA rules, passing a 2023 Farm Bill to reflect a more industry-supported hemp program, and giving agencies the ability to update statute per the 2023 Farm Bill.

In terms of Texas legislative priorities, the coalition is supporting SB 264 by Senator Charles Perry, which relates to the production, sale, distribution, delivery, and regulation of consumable hemp products, and SB 321 by Senator Charles Perry, which relates to the production and regulation of hemp, providing administrative penalties, and creating a criminal offense.

On the federal level, the coalition is supporting H.R. 6645: The Hemp Advancement Act of 2022 by Rep. Chellie Pingree, which aims to make it easier and more profitable for U.S. farmers to grow hemp while ensuring consumers of hemp are protected against unsafe products, the Safe Banking Act by Rep. Ed Perlmutter, which would protect institutions administering financial services to all legal cannabis businesses by preventing any penalization from federal regulators, and the Hemp and Hemp Derived CBD Consumer Protection and Market Stabilization Act of 2021 by Rep. Kurt Schrader, which would ensure that hemp-derived CBD and other non-intoxicating hemp ingredients could be lawfully marketed as dietary supplements.

Overall, the Texas Hemp Coalition’s legislative efforts are focused on supporting the growth and prosperity of the hemp industry in Texas, and they are actively engaging with lawmakers and stakeholders to achieve these goals.

Greenhouse Goodness

Are you a plant lover looking to expand your collection yet concerned about your lack of green space? Look no further than the confines of your home.  It can be equally frustrating to expand upon your love of plants especially if you don’t have a yard.   You don’t need a green thumb as long as you have the right materials, setup, and proper care, you can turn your greenhouse dreams into an indoor paradise reality.

You should first decide where you want to put your plants and how large the setup should be. 

The location of your plants should be easily accessible, and of course, the size of your setup should be based on how much space you have and how many plants you want to grow. Most houseplants need bright, indirect light, although most will be happy with a window facing East, West, or South.  If you don’t have much natural lighting in your home, you will need to buy LED Grow Bulbs for your DYI greenhouse.

Secondly, it’s important to consider the type of material you will need.

Some examples can be wood, metal, or plastic framing depending on your goal. Select the right materials for your greenhouse to ensure proper ventilation, temperature, and humidity.  Glass or plastic is a great choice of material since it allows light to pass through quite easily.  Although if you don’t want to spend time building a greenhouse, you can store them in a vitrine or even a curio cabinet that may be ideal granted, they get light and are properly hydrated. A frame is essential to the foundation of your greenhouse. You can add ventilated plastic sheeting around the frame to trap moisture.

Next, plan your layout, including placement and any other additional features, such as shelving and/or lighting. Consider your path and ventilation system to ensure your greenhouse is easy to navigate to (if it’s large) and maintains a healthy growing environment. Adding shelving to your greenhouse may be best if you decide to grow your collection further.

Lastly, hydration is key, depending on the types of plants you have.  You should install a small humidifier and fan to help hydrate your critters in case you are not available to water your plants daily.  Greenhouses can be very hot during the day, so it’s important to have a cooling system in place to regulate the temperature. You can choose to have ventilated plastic sleeves around your shelving so you can easily lift them up to let air in.  

List of supplies you may need to get started:

Cabinet or shelving (price varies)

LED Grow lights… $35-45

Humidifier (price varies)

Small Fan $10-15

Power strip $5

Humidity meter $1

Plastic Sheets (in case you decide to use a shelf with openings)

Heavy Duty Stapler to staple the plastic sheets to the wood frame

Ultimately plants can be great pals for removing toxic agents in the air through a built-in air purification system they have. The addition of plants can also improve your health and has been known to sharpen your focus if you have an office or classroom. The level of difficulty to design your greenhouse is medium to low. An indoor greenhouse can help create a warm inviting space where your plants can thrive year-round. An indoor greenhouse is a great idea if you are out of town often or if you live in an area where it freezes during the winter months. You can easily control the environment of your DYI project and start enjoying your greenhouse vibes regardless of the weather outside. But remember that if you love your plants year-round, they will love you back with their endless potential! Happy Gardening!

Our Top 4 Picks for Hot Genetics in 2023

As we head into the new year, Adam Reposa, owner of ATX Budtenders, gives expert insights on the hottest bud selections for 2023.

#1: Super Boof

Super Boof is a calming, hybrid strain that emerged by crossing Black Cherry Punch and Tropicana Cookies. Reposa said his weed delivery business will make Super Boof its signature strain in 2023, with plans to offer it at $150 an ounce (a $50 discount from 2022).

“People can buy a combo, spend $300 and receive an ounce of Super Boof and an ounce of something else, plus get a collector’s item t-shirt,” he said. “It’s kind of like the Cheese of The Month Club with weed and t-shirts.”

So, what’s so great about Super Boof?

According to Leafly, this strain boasts earthy and cherry notes that come from its dominant terpene — myrcene. 

“It’s the livest fruity weed around,” Reposa said. “Plus, there’s nothing wrong with an every day standard, and Super Boof is so good, I think it can be everyone’s every day weed. With most people, you can smoke a certain strain every day and then buy another zip of something else.”

#2: Runtz

What do Dessert Runtz, Midnight Runtz, Pink Runtz and White Runtz have in common? They are all strains that graced the ATX Budtenders menu in 2022. In 2023, Reposa said his business will continue to carry Runtz, as well as keep an eye out for new mixtures that may emerge. 

“You can’t go wrong with Runtz,” he said, comparing it to other legendary strains like White Widow and Northern Lights. “I’m just waiting for the Polka Dot and Chocolate Runtz strains to come out because I’m sure they’re coming.”

Runtz, also known as Runtz OG, is named for its fruity aroma that is comparable to the distinguished candy brand. It was named Leafly’s Strain of the Year in 2020, and it is known to produce euphoric and uplifting effects. 

#3: Sweet Island Skunk

It’s an oldie but a goodie, according to Reposa. In fact, Reposa said he has been tossing around the idea of bringing more throwback strains into his collection, hoping to win over customers through nostalgia. 

“They say that every time you do a reunion tour, no one comes, but I think there could be a lot of opportunity here,” he said. 

For those who enjoy sativas and are looking for an energizing high, Sweet Island Skunk is worth trying. It was created by mixing Sweet Pink Grapefruit with Skunk #1, and its green bunds are adorned with vibrant yellow and orange hairs. 

#4. Zlushies

This strain is from a highly regarded cannabis company, Raw Genetics — the creators of Gastro Pop and Apples & Bananas. 

“They’ve got a bunch of badass weed,” Reposa said. 

Zlushiez is an indica-dominant hybrid, and Raw Genetics boasts a robust collection of popular strains that have been crossbred with it — such as Stuffed Cherry Zlushiez and Zuni. 

15 Stoner Celebrities You Wish Were in Your Blunt Rotation + Where to Find Them on Instagram

Remember the days when smoking marijuana was a secret hobby that people went to great lengths to conceal? Thankfully, those days are far behind us. With marijuana-shaming being a thing of the distant past, celebrities are being more candid about their love for cannabis than ever before. Besides just using it, they are advocating for its legality and concocting their own plant strains and canna-businesses. 

Here’s our list of the top 15 celebrity stoners in America today, according to their own words. 

1. Willie Nelson (@willienelsonofficial)

“I don’t know anybody that’s ever died from smoking pot. Had a friend of mine that said a bale fell on him and hurt him pretty bad, though.” — Willie Nelson to The Rolling Stone in 2019

Let’s go ahead and get Willie Nelson out of the way, as the man is a leafy-green legend. He has been extremely vocal about his cannabis use for decades, and he is even rumored to have smoked marijuana in the Texas Governor’s mansion. To celebrate his love for hemp, Willie launched his own CBD brand called Willie’s Remedy that sells infused coffee, tinctures, teas and more. 

2. Snoop Dogg (@snoopdogg)

“This weed is mine, get your own bag.” — Snoop Dogg’s Weed Iz Mine lyrics

Snoop is a famous rapper (not to be confused with blunt wrapper). But if the shoe fits, he will definitely wear it, because Snoop has never been shy about his cannabis consumption. He never misses an opportunity to blow huge clouds of pot smoke in his music videos or during public appearances.

3. Cheech Marin & Tommy Chong (@cheechmarin & @heytommychong)

“I take a toke, and all my fears go up in smoke.” — Cheech & Chong, 1978

We’ll go ahead and lump Cheech and Chong together, as it’s difficult to imagine one without the other. Everyone’s favorite Mexican-American pot-smoking duo has been entertaining people for decades. With nearly half a century of public weed consumption under their belts, they’re basically America’s stoned great uncles. Tommy Chong takes his stonership very seriously, which is why he launched his own cannabis brand, Chong’s Choice, in 2015.

4. Shelby Chong (@funnyshelby)

“Such a great charity event and so much fun when u take a gummy bear.” — Shelby on Instagram in  May 2019

Everyone knows that couples who toke together stay together, and Shelby and Tommy Chong have been married since 1975. Their relationship is filled with warm hugs and fluffy nugs, and Shelby’s Instagram is laced with many weed innuendos.

5. Matthew McConaughey (@officiallymcconaughey)

“Say man, you got a joint? … It’d be a lot cooler if you did.”  — Matthew McConaughey as David Wooderson in Dazed & Confused, 1993

As the man who was featured in one of the most well-known stoner flicks of all time, who didn’t see this coming? McConaughey’s pot use isn’t confined to the movies, though. In 1999, he was arrested for possession of marijuana, and his 2020 autobiography “Greenlights” contains several ganja references.

6. Joe Rogan (@joerogan)

“Marijuana has made me a more sensitive person. It’s enhanced my feelings on the positive aspects of community, and made me more affectionate and compassionate.” — Joe Rogan, 2019, via Instagram

Joe Rogan shares about his marijuana usage on all of his social media accounts as well as his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience. Through the years, he has been a very vocal advocate for the legalization of marijuana. 

7. Seth Rogen (@sethrogen)

“I’ve never gone to a movie and thought, ‘man, I wish I was less stoned right now.” — Seth Rogen, 2008 on The Daily Show

As the mastermind behind Pineapple Express, it’s no secret that Seth Rogan loves to toke up. In 2019, he co-founded Houseplants, a cannabusiness that sells three of Rogen’s favorite strains: Diablo Wind, Pink Moon and Pancake Ice. The brand also sells home goods, like ashtrays and ceramics. 

8. Wiz Khalifa (@wizkhalifa)

“I’m rolling up another joint as soon as the weed’s gone.” — Wiz Khalifa’s Weed Farm Lyrics 

Wiz Khalifa is one of the most unabashed stoners around. His cannabis line, Khalifa Kush, sells flower, pre-rolls, vapes, edibles and concentrates. He also launched his own line of stoner munchies called HotBox by Wiz.

9. Martha Stewart (@marthastewart)

“Of course I know how to roll a joint.” — Martha Stewart to Andy Cohen in 2013

Let’s face it — hanging out with Snoop Dogg makes anyone a stoner by association. Through a partnership with Canopy Growth, Martha launched her own CBD line in 2020 that offers gummies, supplements and, most recently, beauty products. Even if Martha isn’t sparking up from sunup to sundown like her partner in crime Snoop, one thing’s for certain … if you ever get the chance to try her brownies, you better take it. 

10. B-Real (@breal)

“We always considered ourselves the champions of cannabis culture in terms of hip-hop and mainstream music. We reference it in the music whenever we get a chance. — B-Real, 2021,

The Cypress Hill frontman (whose real name is Louis Mario Freese) is very enthusiastic about his cannabis use. He chain smokes joints on the Dr. Greenthumb podcast, which is hosted on his YouTube channel, BRealTV. He is also a leading cannabis entrepreneur, owning six Dr. Greenthumb dispensaries.

11. Soleil Moon-Frye (@moonfrye)

“What is better than to get completely blazed and stare at the Starburst Galaxy?” — Soleil Moon-Frye, 2021 on the Dr. Greenthumb Podcast

You may know her as Punky Brewster. In 2021, she released a Hulu documentary about her life called Kid 90, where she spoke openly about blazing bowls with other 90s teen stars back in the day. While she didn’t partake in marijuana during her appearance on the Dr. Greenthumb podcast last year, she did admit to having a strong contact high and reminisced back to the days when she was known by the nickname “Punky Blunts.” 

12. Kirsten Dunst (@kierstendunst)

“I drink moderately, I’ve tried drugs. I do like weed.” — Kirsten Dunst, 2009 to Britain’s Live Magazine

Kiersten Dunst is ready to Bring it On. (The bong rips, that is). Although she admits she isn’t one to spend all day stoned, she has publicly advocated for the legalization of marijuana calling America’s laws against it “ridiculous.” 

13. Elon Musk

“Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.” — Elon Musk, 2018, via Twitter

In 2018, Elon Musk caught a lot of flack after he smoked pot on Joe Rogan’s podcast. He later called that decision “not wise,” but really — who cares what people think when you’re worth hundreds of billions of dollars?

14. Rihanna (@badgalriri)

“Kush rolled, glass full…I prefer the better things!” — Rihanna, 2012, via Twitter

Rihanna isn’t shy when it comes to publicly indulging in cannabis. The Barbadian singer and lingerie designer once rolled a blunt on the bald head of her bodyguard at the Coachella music festival. 

15. Lady Gaga (@ladygaga)

So I was weed for Halloween. BEST COSTUME EVER, IT’S SO FUN. Princess High the Cannabis Queen.” — Lady Gaga, 2012 via Twitter

Long before starring in the 2021 flick “House of Gucci,” Lady Gaga was using marijuana to get her creative juices flowing. During a 2011 60 Minutes interview, she revealed to Anderson Cooper that she smokes a lot of pot while writing music.

There are far more fine flower children that could be included on this list. In fact, Woody Harrelson, Brad Pitt and Chelsea Handler each get an honorable mention. Be sure to follow them all on Instagram to make your feed a little greener. 


Rachel M. Nelson

Writer, Videographer, Designer

Organic Search Specialist

A History of Celebrating 420 + 6 Ways to Spend The Holiday

We’ve all heard the term, “It’s five o’clock somewhere,” but what about 4:20? We turned to Wikipedia to get to the root of where the “420” stoner reference originated.

Legend has it that the number 420 first became associated with cannabis in the 1970s when five California high school students who called themselves “The Waldos” would meet at 4:20 p.m. to search for an abandoned cannabis crop. They used a treasure map provided by the supposed grower, and while their hunts were never fruitful, the term “420” stuck. 

Four-twenty became a world-renowned pot-smoking phrase after one of The Waldos, Dave Reddix, became a roadie for the Grateful Dead. They declared 4:20 p.m. as the acceptable time to smoke weed, and Grateful Dead followers helped to popularize the term.  

A rolled marijuana joint half burnt, isolated on white.

In 1991, High Times Magazine referenced the term “420” for the first time, and Journalist Steven Hager wrote a feature piece about The Waldos in 1998. 

April 20, a.k.a. 4/20, is now a popular counterculture holiday. It’s an occasion when stoners gather together to pass the peace pipe as well as advocate for the legalization of marijuana. 

Today, the spirit of 4/20 is alive and well. Here are five ways to celebrate.

1. Visit a legal state

As 4/20/22 approached, Max Juhasz, founder of Frisco-based Cannabiz Marketing Solutions, planned to celebrate by traveling to a state where cannabis is legal, like Colorado or New Mexico. 

“We can have a good old time without worrying about the nonsense,” he said. “It’s going to be a blast.”

2. Find a cannabis sale

Juhasz also shared that one of his clients in Oregon, Plain Jane, planned to have a special 4/20 sale on its hemp and CBD products.

“We usually have a huge party and celebrate,” he said. “If we can, we like to get all the farmers, growers and other people in the industry and celebrate all that we have done to help bring cannabis awareness and legalization to almost two-thirds of the country.”

3. Set out on a long road trip

This year, travel writer and marijuana enthusiast Hail Groo chose 4/20 as the day to embark on a weeks-long road trip across the western and southern United States, as well as western Canada, to explore the cannabis laws in each area.

“As someone who relies on CBD and medical marijuana and is a social media cannabis influencer, it’s essential to know the laws every place I go,” Groo said. “I’ll be walking my followers through the differences in each location, how I’m able to legally manage my disabilities and still have a great time as a solo traveler.”

Groo invites everyone to follow her journey via Instagram, where she goes by @the.cannabis.nerd.

A rolled marijuana joint half burnt, isolated on white.

4. Lounge around with friends

While 4/20 is just another day for many stoners, some people see it as a special occasion to parkake. Hannah Pierce, a media executive at Luciding, said the holiday has become an annual tradition.

“My partner and I aren’t really weed people, that is except for the 20th of April: the one day a year we let our hair down, go to a friend’s house and get high,” Pierce said. 

Pierce admitted she was nervous the first time she tried weed, but since the plant is now legal in her state, she decided to give it a go when she was invited to a 4/20 party by friends. 

“It felt like the perfect place to experiment and try it out whilst being surrounded by safe people in a safe environment. Since then, we’ve gone to that house every year, and every year it’s a great time. Everyone brings a ton of food, we vote on a ridiculous or crappy movie, and we lounge around in pajamas smoking and laughing all night. It’s amazing!”

5. Try Delta-8

Spencer Beaudreault, founder of Hero Brands, said he was going to “chill out with our 20mg Delta-8 gummies” on 4/20.

Delta 8 is a cannabinoid like CBD. However, unlike CBD, Delta 8 causes euphoric effects like traditional cannabis. While Beaudreault launched his business to promote plants over pills, his website cautions users to “start low and go slow,” as the gummies can take one to two hours to take effect. 

6. Use caution

Chicago attorney Clyde Guilamo has a warning for those that live in states like Texas where recreational marijuana use is not legal. 

“Be careful on the drive home, as some states allow police to search your car based on the odor of cannabis,” he said. Guilamo shares more on his YouTube channel, Law Talk for Non-Lawyers.

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The Texas Hemp Show is the official podcast for the Texas Hemp Reporter Magazine: The Texas Hemp Show is recorded every Wednesday at from 6 -7pm and is released each Friday. For news and the latest information on the growing Hemp & Cannabis industry in the Lone Star State subscribe to our magazine the Texas Hemp Reporter online and follow us wherever podcasts are available.